Charles Koch: We're Happy To Back Democratic Candidates Who Share Our Goals

Steve Bannon Tells Koch: "Shut Up And Get With The Program"

Trump Breaks With Bannon, Saying He Has 'Lost His Mind' - The New ...

Alan: Here's my first hit after conducting a google search for "Reagan shaking hands with a president."
Did Ronald Reagan Predict a Trump Presidency?
Anyone who suspects the veracity of a political "declaration" and does not conduct a google search is an enemy of democracy.
Democracy cannot withstand the Trumpian assault on factuality, reason and intellectual rigor.
This is how the Trump and Trumpistas spread lies and innuendo.
"People are saying..."
"Believe me..."
Trump and his followers are liars - not always but most often and fundamentally.

Compendium Of Pax Boasts On Trump And Trumpistas Love Affair With Falsehood
and where power predominates, love is lacking.
The one is the shadow of the other."
Carl Jung
Republican presidential candidate, Pat Buchanan, the living American who has served longest as a White House senior staff adviser, observed: “The Republican philosophy might be summarized thus: To hell with principle; what matters is power, and that we have it, and that they do not.” “Where the Right Went Wrong"
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