If Trump Wins And Your Kids Google "First Lady," Here's What They'll Get
Alan: Having read Despicable Donald's tweet tirade -- and also having read that the purported sex tapes were much ado about nothing -- I decided to watch "the real one," a black-and-white, night-vision, grainy, apparently fully-clothed, under-the-sheet episode of rolling-and-thrusting whose content is as sexual as watching paint dry.
See for yourself. But be prepared for more boredom than a videotaped collection of "Most Tedious Moments" from Jeb Bush's presidential campaign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h7rWkSq2cE
Here is Snopes "Mostly Fale" analysis of Devious Donald's pre-dawn tweets: http://www.snopes.com/alicia-machado-adult-star/
Excerpt from Snopes: "The so-called "sex tape" stemming from that incident is perhaps the tamest video ever to be so termed, consisting of nothing more than some grainy, night-vision footage of a couple of covered figures writhing in a bed. And reality television being what it is, the scene the tape depicts was quite possibly staged or fabricated."
Compendium Of Pax Posts About Donald Trump

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