
Thursday, November 5, 2015

I Have Never Heralded A "False Flag." The Shot-Down Russian Jet Gives Me Second Thoughts

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What Now? Suspicion of ISIS in Sinai Jet Crash Could Bring Strong Russian Retaliation

Personally, I see more harm than good coming from allegations of false flag attack.

I think such charges are almost always untrue and even if they are true they serve to distract political activists with wheel spinning and expending energy in domains where nothing can be done. 

Better to assume governments are capable any damn thing, especially when it is advantageous to "busy giddy minds with foreign quarrels."

It may even be that false flag attacks and other kinds of conspiratorial are the most effective form of cooptation, so successful at what they do that those who seem to suffer the brunt of such conspiracies actually inspire them!?!?! Gnosh on that.


At the end of the day, who knows what's really going on?

Except, perhaps, inside power players... who are rarely trustworthy

Even so, something doesn't smell right.


1.) ISIS has not shot anything out of the sky before.... whereas the United States shot down an Iranian jetliner in 1988 - -- and it seems pretty clear that Russia shot down a Malaysian airliner (with mostly Dutch passengers) over Ukraine in July, 2014.

2.) Why would ISIS "pick on Russia" knowing that Putin is nearly as psychopathic as they are? One reason (to argue against my own hypothesis) is that ISIS thrives on martyrdom, especially when martyr's blood is spilled in hand-to-hand, scimitar-slashing combat with white guys. Whatever side of the fence you're on, one white guy is work a couple dozen "darkies." Couple this enthono-demographic advantage with ISIS' in-your-face neo-necrophilia and ISIS might now shoot down an Israeli jet even if they were not responsible for blowing up the Russian plane. Lest we forget... Part of the reason for Christianity's emergence as the dominant world religion is that "the blood of the martyrs was the seed of the church." Bring on the martyrs!)

3.) Would it not appeal to the United States (and other western powers... perhaps even Putin himself) to down a Russian airliner in order to "persuade" Russia -- the only developed country eager to become militarily involved with ISIS -- to "take the plunge" so that they now have the national animus to add ground troops to air power. Plus... When was the last time Russia went to war? "It's about time" the Russkies had a chance to throw some red meat at their out-of-practice young bucks whose continuity of battlefield experience has "dangerously" lapsed.

The "fly in the ointment" is that foreign powers cannot beat decentralized, asymetrical warriors when the battlefield is WHERE THEY LIVE. 

Think Vietnam.

Think Iraq.

Think Afghanistan.

Think Afghanistan for both Uncle Sam and The Russkies!

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