Scriptural Stonewalling
Alan: Conservative Christians assert the right to refuse marketplace service to same-sex couples.
The appended article, "The Great Secession," reminds us that " it never occurred to Catholic bakers to tell remarrying customers to take their business elsewhere." Good Christian customers like Ronald Reagan.
According to The Gospel of Mark (the oldest of the four canonical gospels) Ronald Reagan lived most of his life in a state of adultery.
Mr. Reagan also died in a state of adultery. (To be clear: An individual can be an adulterer and a great politician simultaneously. But morally censorious Christians cannot be true to core principles if they champion Mr. Reagan.)
Ronald Reagan: Nominee, GOP Adultery Hall Of Fame
Reagan divorced his first wife, Jane Wyman -- with whom he fathered two children -- and subsequently married Nancy (Davis) Reagan who scheduled her husband's White House appointments according to "favorable" dates set by her personal astrologer.
Ronald Reagan: Nominee, GOP Adultery Hall Of Fame
Reagan divorced his first wife, Jane Wyman -- with whom he fathered two children -- and subsequently married Nancy (Davis) Reagan who scheduled her husband's White House appointments according to "favorable" dates set by her personal astrologer.
White House Confirms Reagans Follow Astrology
Joan Quigley, Nancy Reagan's White House Astrologer
Nancy Reagan's Astrologer, 'Closely Guarded Secret'
Since political pragmatism regularly trumps religious belief, conservative Christians - even biblical "literalists" - will devise quick justification for their championship of America's only divorced president, who -- according to "The Son of God" -- committed adultery with his second wife over the course of 52 years.
This core question remains: "Why does The Party of Family Values normalize divorce - and the practice of adultery as defined by Jesus of Nazareth?"
Since political pragmatism regularly trumps religious belief, conservative Christians - even biblical "literalists" - will devise quick justification for their championship of America's only divorced president, who -- according to "The Son of God" -- committed adultery with his second wife over the course of 52 years.
This core question remains: "Why does The Party of Family Values normalize divorce - and the practice of adultery as defined by Jesus of Nazareth?"
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