Dear J,
A Hillary-Castro ticket will bring out at least 5% of the electorate -- mostly women and Hispanics -- who would not otherwise have gone to the polls.
Won't it be sweet to see contemporary "conservatism" crash-and-burn at the very moment The White House is occupied, consecutively, by people named "Hussein" and "Castro?"
Many thanks for sharing this vignette.
In recent days I have confided to three friends that "all the Mexicans I know -- people whose cultural predisposition toward resignation leaves them largely uninterested in politics -- are furious with Trump."
They are beside themselves.
"Moderate Republican For Trump: Only Trump Can Restore GOP Sanity... By A Landslide Loss"
"We Are Known By The Company We Keep: Evangelicals LOVE Trump"
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2015/08/evangelicals-love-donald-trump-how.htmlA Hillary-Castro ticket will bring out at least 5% of the electorate -- mostly women and Hispanics -- who would not otherwise have gone to the polls.
Won't it be sweet to see contemporary "conservatism" crash-and-burn at the very moment The White House is occupied, consecutively, by people named "Hussein" and "Castro?"
Pax vobiscum
PS I almost mailed your manila envelope on Friday!
On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 4:41 PM, JM wrote:
I saw a woman from El Salvador that I have known for about 5 years today. She is a waitress at the Italian restaurant at the corner of Guess Road and Horton Road in northern Durham. She whispered "have you heard what the republican presidentialcandidates are saying? it is so inhumane. it is so untrue." She and her husband are undocumented. He cooks at the same restaurant where she waits tables. They've been here 9 or 10 years. They left their son behind in El Salvador when they came north. Their daughter was born here after they arrived. They paid thousands to have a coyote bring their son here a few years ago. He will be a freshman at Riverside High School this year. They just bought a home a year or two ago. They pay taxes. They've never had a traffic violation of any kind. She had tears in her eyes. Mariana. Her spoken English has a lovely southern accent.
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