Bill Donohue on a different Current TV program. Yes, he's been on several.
“This idea of two men getting married is the most bizarre idea in human history,” Donohue told host John Fugelsang, adding that the purpose of marriage is a “duty” to procreate.Glad we cleared that up. Marriage not about love, and screw happiness. Check. Wow, what afabulous worldview this guy has. I can only imagine the sorts of songs they sing at his church.“The whole purpose of marriage is to have a family,” he said. “It’s not about making people happy. It’s not about love.”
The host also pointed out that the Catholic leader is a hypocrite for demanding we follow a Leviticus passage that prohibits “lying with another man,” yet he doesn’t refrain from eating pork or from wearing shirts with mixed fibers.Do you, now? Well, given that Bill Donohue is one of the world's foremost experts on assholes, I'm not sure I can even argue with him.“I think there’s a little bit of difference between what kind of shirt I buy and two guys having anal sex,” Donohue dismissed.
Important American Godbotherer to others: My sins are nothing compared to the obvious unacceptability of yours. That's as concise a summary of conservative spiritual values as any I've ever heard, and I'm going out right now to have it embroidered on something.
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