
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Marijuana Edibles: A Better Way To Control Dosage?

Alan: It appears that a significant percentage of marijuana users are genetically pre-disposed to psychological derangement when exposed to the substance. At minimum those states which have legalized marijuana should use profits to develop "predisposition profiles" and then make them freely available to those who want them.

"Cannabis Use And The Risk Of Developing A Psychotic Disorder"

"Cannabis-Induced Bipolar Disorder With Psychotic Features"

"Marijuana-Cannabis And Development Of Schizophrenia"

"The Neuroscience Of Pot: Researchers Explain Why Marijuana May Bring Serenity Or Psychosis"


Marijuana users a significant number of health risks, including serious psychological derangement in people who are predisposed to instability for genetic or environmental reasons.

What are the risks of marijuana? More than many realize. 
Liz Szabo in USA Today


"Washington became only the second state to permit sales of recreational marijuana edibles....The state has now certified the facilities to make the edibles, tested them for strength, contamination and consistency, and reviewed their appearance and packaging....Edibles have proved popular in Colorado, especially among people who prefer to avoid smoking marijuana. But the rollout in Colorado came with concerns, including a spike in the number of children and pets being treated for accidentally overdosing on the pot-infused foods....Washington state's regulations aim to help prevent such incidents by making edibles labeling much clearer and making it easier for people to tell how strong an edible is. Colorado is considering similar rules." Trevor Hughes in USA Today

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