
Thursday, August 14, 2014

A Deal Much Too Good To Refuse... Unless It's Medicaid Expansion And You're Nuts

(If all states participate.)


"Why Are Murderous GOP Governors Protected By The Press?"


"Some governors and other Republicans have expressed fear that, in the end, the federal government will just renege on the deal now being offered, leaving the states to pick up the entire tab of the Medicaid expansion. There actually is no historical precedent for this in Medicaid. But...states are free to drop out of the Medicaid expansion if they choose to....Straight economic theory makes me wonder how long these states’ citizens and the powerful lobbies of doctors and hospitals will sit by idly watching this behavior. My prediction is that these politically powerful interest groups will ultimately prevail and get the deal done." Uwe E. Reinhardt in The New York Times.

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