Trump Tells Crowd To "Knock The Crap Out" Of Protesters, Offers To Pay Legal Fees
1.) No human being should wish success on a president who encourages citizens to "knock the crap out of" protesters.
2.) No human being should wish success on a president with a decades-long history of stiffing workers and fleecing "Trumped Up University" students for $45 million dollars. Furthermore, were it not for the plutopath's wealth, he would have been locked up long ago, just like you or me and anyone else we know: "hard time" and lots of it. Trump is a habitual felon whose lucre curries favor with the court so he can "settle" without risk of criminal conviction.
"You've Been Trumped": A Documentary About Devious Donald's Imperious Takeover Of Scotland
(How Donald Works His Will By Denigrating "Commoners")

Compendium Of Pax Posts About Trump "University" Scam
3.) No human should wish success on a braggadocious profiteer who boasts that he's "The King Of Debt," an unfeeling plutocrat who expressed fondness for the 2007 housing market collapse (and with it most Americans' net worth) because "bad markets" provide opportunity to make more money.

"I Am The King Of Debt. I Love Debt."
Trump Makes Out Like A Bandit On 1, 2, 3, 4 Bankruptcies
4.) No human should wish success on a president who issues an inaugural call to "bring jobs back to America" while his own products -- including his signature "Make America Great" baseball caps -- are manufactured overseas.
How Many Trump Products Were/Are Made Overseas?
Here's The Complete List
Washington Post
5.) No human should wish success on a president who nurtures vindictiveness and carefully maintains an "enemies list."
6.) No human should wish success on a president who's having a bromance with Vladimir Putin, a world class thug who would like nothing more than the degeneration of American democracy into a plutocratic kleptocracy like his own.
7.) No human should wish success on a president who parades hedonism and crass materialism before the impressionable eyes of young Americans.
Vindictive Trump: His Pet Peeves Bode A World Of Trouble

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About The Relationship Between Trump And Putin
Compendium Of Pax Posts About Russian Electoral Manipulation

Melania Trump, Illegal Immigrant
PBS: Melania Trump Worked In U.S. Without Visa; Took Jobs Away From Native Born Americans And Immigrants Who Got In Line
Melania Trump, Illegal Immigrant
PBS: Melania Trump Worked In U.S. Without Visa; Took Jobs Away From Native Born Americans And Immigrants Who Got In Line
If Trump Wins And Your Kids Google "First Lady," Here's What They'll Get
This Is America's "Christian" Candidate. Take A Good Look. Call The Kids!

Trump And Taxes (Meme Collection)

Trump's First Wife Ivana, Talks About His "Raping" Her
Update On Ivana Trump's Revelations Concerning Donald's Fondness For Hitler's Speeches
10,) No human should wish success on a president who lies with sociopathic ease and frequency.

VIDEO: Trump Tells More Lies Than Any U.S. Politician. Why Do "Patriots" And "Christians" Believe A Liar
Pulitzer Prize-Winning PolitiFact Finds That Only 1% Of The Things Trump Says Are Entirely True
Compendium Of Pax Posts Re: Trump's Non-Stop Ability To Tell One Lie After Another
11.) No human should wish success on a president who routinely fabricates whole-cloth falsehoods.

Donald Trump Reverses His Position Within The Same Speech!
What's To Prevent His Reversal On Anything?

Donald Trump: "John McCain Is Not A War Hero"
15.) No human should wish success on a president who makes baseless attacks on Gold Star parents.http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-john-mccain-war-hero-2015-7

Despicable Donald Impugns Father And Mother Of U.S. Muslim War Hero Killed In Iraq
16.) No human should wish success on a president who promotes "alternative facts."
"Alternative Facts" & Moral Rot: Team Trump Tells Brazen Lies Hoping Supporters Are Stupid

Trump Mocks Disabled Reporter (VIDEO)
Trump Tweets: "I Never Mocked A Disabled Reporter, Would Never Do That"
Trump Tweets: "I Never Mocked A Disabled Reporter, Would Never Do That"

With False Claims, Trump Attacks Media On Inaugural Crowd Turnout
19.) No human should wish Trump well for his "war-crime call" that American soldiers kill terrorists' wives and children.
Trump Says He'd Force U.S. Military To Commit War Crimes, Killing The Children And Wives Of Terrorists
All-American Boys And Girls At Abu Graib Prison, Iraq
(A federal court ordered that the worst photographs of abuse and torture not be released publicly.)
Donald Trump's Zealous Endorsement Of Torture Reveals The Man And His Party
Donald Trump's Zealous Endorsement Of Torture Reveals The Man And His Party

Only The Military-Industrial Complex on the left has been photoshopped.
VIDEO: Pulitzer Prize Winner Reveals Evidence Of Trump's Extensive Mafia Ties
Trump's Most Egregious, In-Your-Face Fascist Declaration: "We're Going To Have To Do Things..."
Trump's Most Egregious, In-Your-Face Fascist Declaration: "We're Going To Have To Do Things..."

Alan: It came as quite a surprise when, just last week, Donald simultaneoulsy revealed his penis size, moral integrity and knowledge of The Constitution.
Vulgarian Donald Trump Brags About His Penis Size During Republican National Debate
To Expose Our Children To Donald Trump Is Not Just Child Abuse, But Egregious Child Abuse
Hillary's Ad About Donald Trump As Role Medel: "Our Children Are Watching"
24.) No human should wish success on a president who brags about "grabbing women by the pussy" and trying to "fuck married women."

Foul Audio Tape: Trump Encourages His Fellows To Just "Grab Them By The Pussy"
Audio Tape: Trump Brags About Trying To "Fuck" A "Married Woman"
Audio Tape: Trump Says On Hot Mic: "When You're A Star... You Can Do Anything" To Women

We All Pay Higher Taxes Than The Rich: A Lesson In Class Warfare

Trump Named This Totally Unprepared White Supremacist, Anti-Semite Wife-Beater To The National Security Council
27.) No human should wish success on a president who fostered lickspittle adulation among enough aggressively-ignorant supporters to secure an Electoral College Victory even though his opponent, Hillary Clinton, received 4.55% more popular votes than pussy grabber.

"Frog Hospital" And Pax Discuss Rednecks, Ignorance And Conservative Christianity
28.) No human should wish success on a president cynical enought to abuse Christianity by using it as sheep's clothing to advance his narcissistic/sociopathic obsession with power.
And finally, since conservatives' contempt for liberalism distills to the "fact" that liberals are "baby killers," I emphasize - in no uncertain terms - that so-called "Pro-Life" advocates are responsible for far more abortions than "Pro-Choice" supporters - probably two to three times as many.
Updated Compendium Of Best "Pax" Posts On Abortion
Alan: Every statement above is fact-checkable and if you would like more fact-checked references concerning any of these monstrosities, atrocities and enormities, please contact me at alanarchibaldo@gmail.com
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