A Michigan woman pulled her gun and fired at shoplifters in a Home Depot parking lot has been sentenced after pleading no contest to reckless discharge of a gun:
A woman described as a “sharpshooter” was sentenced to 18 months of probation Wednesday for firing a gun at the getaway car as suspected shoplifters fled a Home Depot.Tatiana Duva-Rodriguez, who was licensed to carry a concealed weapon, said she heard a scream and feared the incident was worse than a theft. She acknowledged the shooting in the parking lot was a mistake.
Emphasis added because she’s no longer allowed to carry a concealed gun. As part of her sentence,Rochester Hills District Court Judge Julie Nicholson ruled Duva-Rodriguez cannot apply for another conceal carry permit until 2023, which is what prosecutors wanted:
“If guns are taken away from her and she learns her lesson, that’s fine,” Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper told The Detroit News Wednesday afternoon. “That’s the key. That she doesn’t have access to guns and she doesn’t have access to ammunition. Hopefully someone has sat down with her and talked with her about what responsible gun ownership is all about.”
Tatiana Duva-Rodriguez appeared upset with the verdict and vowed to never help anyone again:
"I tried to help, and I learned my lesson that I will never help anybody again," she told the media afterwards.
Watch a WJBK interview with Tatiana Duva-Rodriguez below:
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