85 Richest People Are As Wealthy As Poorest Half Of World
- An UNARMED cafeteria worker stopped yesterday's school shooter.
- Houston mayor's daughter initially refused driver's license because she has two moms
- Drunk homophobe taken down and arrested at DFW airport after altercation with (possibly) gay man
- Early voting report: Florida and North Carolina Democrats seeing what they need
- "Where is the Surgeon General?" -- New England Journal of Medicine
- Des Moines Register calls Ernst out for her support of "personhood" bill in blistering editorial
- Could this be why Joni Ernst is afraid of the Iowa press?
- Cartoon: Ebola Buddy
- Rep. Chaffetz demands surgeon general head Ebola efforts. Thanks to Republicans, there isn't one.
- McConnell boasts of efforts to privatize Social Security
- Lawsuit over allegedly unprocessed voter registrations in Georgia being heard in Atlanta court
- Scott Walker and the Republican Governor's Association are afraid, very afraid
- Hispanic man deliveries absentee ballots in Arizona: Conservatives demand he be killed
- The official Michael Brown autopsy report doesn't say what the St. Louis Post-Dispatch says it does
- The science of Fox News: Why its viewers are the most misinformed
- Rick Scott sends white supports to harass black voters
- MUST SEE: Bill Maher asks what's the matter with Kansas
- Trickle up: Major corporations losing money out the wazoo
- Looking for union-made candy on Halloween? Here's a list.
- Worse than those Boy Scouts that tipped over a rock
- Silicon Valley company busted for paying Indian workers $1.21 an hour in America
- Weekend nutpick-a-palooza: Was the world created 6,000 years ago?
- New blistering ad against Mitch McConnell
- America's dumbest Congressman says gays getting massages in the Army will lead to terrorism
- Sam Wang has Dems back up to 50% chance of holding Senate, Nate Silver shows Dem chances improving
- Hispanic man deliveries absentee ballots in Arizona: Conservatives demand he be killed
- The official Michael Brown autopsy report doesn't say what the St. Louis Post-Dispatch says it does
- Cartoon: Other dangerous epidemics
- Chuck Todd's journalistic fail comes back to bite him
- Major Kentucky newspapers wholeheartedly endorse Grimes for Senate
- Colorado station busts Megyn Kelly for outright lying; Fox News offers no correction
- Sao Paulo, Brazil: See the future world of global warming
- Is Mary Burke leading Scott Walker in Wisconsin? Recent history says yes
- Texas TV news bias against Wendy Davis in full vogue
- The 11 top lies of Mitch McConnell
- Cuomo caves on quarantine
- When will the American people finally get fed up with the media hyped right-wing fearmongering?
- I'm 59 and I voted for the first time last week
- What's the matter with North Carolina?
- Disqualified
- Map of poll closing times in all 50 states
- Scott Brown locks up key dead New Hampshire Republican endorsement
- This is going to hurt: Tax exempt status of Wisconsin Club for Growth challenged
- Chuck Todd says Ernst's support of 'personhood' is about protecting 'unborn human beings'
- Oops. John Boehner appears to have forgotten to file his lawsuit to stop Obama's dictatorship
- Scott Walker starts pointing fingers
- Voters could raise the minimum wage in four heavily GOP states next week
- This is how Fox News uses graphics to convey their racist message
- Kansas Republicans in a panic
- PHOTOS: Big protest and sit-in against voter suppression at Georgia Secretary of State's office: Eight arrested
- Hating Obama is more important than making sense
- How one Canadian town dealt with Islamaphobia
- 12 reasons why cats aren't Republican
- The RNC is out with a new ad that wants America to wet its pants
- The definitive discography of police protest songs with videos and lyrics
- Has Tim Huelskamp given away his seat in Congress? Democrat leads by SEVEN in bright red Kansas
- Mitch McConnell finally confirms he wants to repeal health insurance for 500,000 Kentuckians
- Scott Walker's Palinesque word salad meltdown
- Columnist for Charleston's newspaper says Mike Brown was an 'animal' who needed to be 'put down'
- That 93-year old turned away at the polls in Texas is not the only person rejected for lacking an ID
- Chris Christie tries to bluster his way out of his massive Ebola blunder
- After legally marrying, South Carolina DMV preventing woman from getting a license in her legal name
- New Republican Ebola conspiracy theory unveiled
- Cartoon: Trust goes bust
- Mitch McConnell is so dang likable he needed to copy and paste this dog over and over to prove it
- Second poll finds Democrat Mark Begich up big in crucial Alaska Senate race
- The only time we give a damn about Africa
- On equal pay, Scott Walker is so full of it his eyes are turning brown
- In Kansas, the worst Secretary of State in the nation continues to waste taxpayer money
- North Carolina turns blue: Early voting data deep dive
- Republican attacks Democrat over where his daughter was born. Seriously, that happened.
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