The shooting was the 87th at a school since the Newtown, Conn. massacre.
Ian Millhiser for ThinkProgress
Meanwhile, citizens in Washington are getting ready to vote on opposing gun-control initiatives. The question is whether to require universal background checks for all gun purchases. Police have said that the shooter, Jaylen Fryberg, acquired his .40-caliber handgun legally but have offered no details.
Maria La Ganga and James Queally in the Los Angeles Times.
Meanwhile, citizens in Washington are getting ready to vote on opposing gun-control initiatives. The question is whether to require universal background checks for all gun purchases. Police have said that the shooter, Jaylen Fryberg, acquired his .40-caliber handgun legally but have offered no details.
Maria La Ganga and James Queally in the Los Angeles Times.
"Quem Deus vult perdere, prius dementat."
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