Alan: Trump's oratory is a seductive blend of self-righteous belligerence and attack dog hyperbole.
Taken together, these two traits enable listeners to embrace his 4 Pinocchio ramblings as "God's Truth," while selectively dismissing other over-the-top drivel as Donald "just kidding around."
How does "just kidding around" play out?
How does "just kidding around" play out?
The Borowitz Report: "Trump Says He Would Only Use Nuclear Weapons In A Sarcastic Way"
Donald Trump Reverses His Position Within The Same Speech!
What's To Prevent His Reversal On Anything?
If Hillary expressed one bizillionith the bilge that Donald oozes daily, the Republican Noise Machine would read her the riot act (morning, noon and night 'til Kingdom Come) while quietly ignoring The Trumpster Dumpster full of mafia connections, petitioning pal Putin to hack U.S. government records, hundreds of lawsuits to silence opponents (in contravention of The First Amendment), muzzling ex-wives and employees through confidentiality contracts, bragging about his penis size during a national debate, referencing Megyn Kelly's menstrual period on national television, egregious misogyny, unpaid contractors, profiteering bankruptcies, ridiculing war heroes and ripping off Trump University "marks" --- an ongoing witch's brew of scandal that surrounds Trump like the darkness of nuclear winter.
To Expose Our Children To Donald Trump Is Not Just Child Abuse, But Egregious Child Abuse
Despicable Donald Impugns Father And Mother Of U.S. Muslim War Hero Killed In Iraq
Trump University (And All Other 3500 Lawsuits) Reviewed By John Oliver
Compendium Of Pax Posts About Trump "University" Scam
Despicable Donald Impugns Father And Mother Of U.S. Muslim War Hero Killed In Iraq
Trump University (And All Other 3500 Lawsuits) Reviewed By John Oliver
Compendium Of Pax Posts About Trump "University" Scam

"Mediocre Philosophy Sells: It Makes The Half Literate... Feel Smart
A disturbing question remains: "What does it mean that Mike Pence bursts into laughter -- doesn't just chuckle but bursts into laughter -- at Trump's earnest declaration that he will sweep the black vote in November?"
The Borowitz Report: "Trump Says He Would Only Use Nuclear Weapons In A Sarcastic Way"
Donald Trump Reverses His Position Within The Same Speech!
What's To Prevent His Reversal On Anything?
Mike Pence Bursts Into Laughter Over Trump’s Claim He’ll Win 95% of African-American Vote
By Jason Easley on
During an interview on Fox News, Donald Trump's own running mate, Mike Pence laughed out loud when he was asked about Trump's claim that he will win 95% of the African-American vote in 2020.
During an interview on Fox News, Donald Trump’s own running mate, Mike Pence laughed out loud when he was asked about Trump’s claim that he will win 95% of the African-American vote in 2020.
Video of Pence on Fox and Friends:
Fox and Friends’ Ainsley Earhardt asked Pence, “Why are you laughing?”
Gov. Pence replied, “Well, that’s Donald Trump. Look, he has a heart for every American, and he also, he’s a truth teller. He speaks the truth.” Pence went on to make the standard Republican claim that all African-Americans live in inner cities, and that African-American economic issues are the fault of Democrats.
Pence even had the nerve to compare Trump to John F. Kennedy.
Trump is so full of it that even his own running mate doesn’t believe what he is saying. Pence did his best to try to cover, and give the standard Republican answer also known as blame the Democrats, but the reality is that nobody is buying what Trump is selling not even his own partner on the ticket.
When a nominee’s own vice presidential candidate is laughing at the party’s nominee on national television, that is pretty much rock bottom.
When a nominee’s own vice presidential candidate is laughing at the party’s nominee on national television, that is pretty much rock bottom.
It is clear that Mike Pence isn’t on the ticket to be Trump’s VP in 2016, Gov. Pence’s plan is to use his time on the national stage to position himself for a run at the Republican presidential nomination in 2020.
Mike Pence just tipped his hand when he laughed out loud at Donald Trump.
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