
Monday, December 7, 2015

Discussion With Frog Hospital's Fred Owens Concerning Same-Sex Marriage

Dear Fred,

Thanks for your email.

Yes, I agree.

The distinction between male and female is fundamental.

However, when "male and female" function properly (as a majoritarian human phenomenon) they are bound in the unitary tai chi

This is why sex is so central and so explosive.

Like the other fundamental manifestation of energy, there are two possibilities: fission or fusion.

Which is to say sex fuses, or, sex scatters... raising this question: When "two" fuse, is the result one or two?

Recall Christianity's "Trinitarian Mystery" which Chesterton lauded for situating "community" within Deity itself.

The Matrix of God -- wich is to say the inter-relationship of three persons -- is found in Community.

What used to be translated as "The Kingdom of God is within you" (an understand translation for "rugged individualists") is better translated as "The Kingdom of God is among us."

But even against the backdrop of divine community God is still One.



I like the National Review but have never deliberately sought it out.

Since it is hard to change life patterns, perhaps you'll help by sending links to those National Review articles that you're particularly fond of. I would very much like that!


Concerning your puzzlement over American conservatism's complacent gloss of same-sex marriage...

In the main, conservatives are ferociously practical people and thus know a "lost cause" when they see one. 

Given nearly universal approval of same-sex marriage by young people, such union has become a self-evident survival issue for The Republican Party (which is already wrestling with possible collapse of a party composed of aging white people).

I still hold that friendship between "out" gays and conservative heterosexuals is now so universal that this new familiarization with gays prevents erstwhile opponents from resorting to their former "projection of evil" onto "the other" now that "the other" is suddenly an extension of self.

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Consider Dick Cheney's support for gay rights, a position largely due to his daughter's lesbianism.

For better or worse, we moderns are moved by incarnate experience more than abstract doctrine.

The proof is in the pudding and not every Judeo-Christian belief rooted in Bronze Age agriculturalism will withstand the gathering pressure of modernity.

Plus, I see a critical distinction between "diminishment" and "elimination."

Heterosexuals are passionate enough about their heterosexuality to continue conceptualizing their own marriages as heterosexual.

Now that we've added same-sex marriage as a sui generis category, we have done little more than grant de facto recognition to "what is."

The situation is analogous to Catholicism's slowly developing approach to Holy Orders.

Yes, celibate orders will remain.

But married orders will be added.

Notably, these additions are not diminishments.

They are enrichments. 

Pax tecum


On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Fred Owens <> wrote:

I haven't read Laura Wood in several months now. Mainly I look at the National Review every day. It is quite solid, and you might sharpen your skills by engaging with those folks.
On the right, we observe a rising intensity against abortion, and a seeming acceptance of gay marriage. This still puzzles me. I do not quite agree with your explanation. The court decision about gay marriage is part of a profound movement to diminish or demolish gender distinctions -- I find this very unsettling myself, so I am surprised that more conservative people let it go.
Here's a biblical argument.... male and female created He them. No other distinction is mentioned in the creation story. We might truthfully know that left and right handed created He them, or black and white, tall and short, fat and skinny -- none of these valid distinctions are mentioned --- but male and female created He them, leading me to think that this particular distinction is far more important than the others. Is it? 
Fred Owens
cell: 360-739-0214

My gardening blog is  Fred Owens
My writing blog is Frog Hospital

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