Alan: According to The Thinking Housewife, this man is a "non-Catholic papal impostor" working round the clock at Satan's behest.
Yeshua Excoriates Fellow Pharisees: "The Woe Passages"
Yeshua Excoriates Fellow Pharisees: "The Woe Passages"
"Love Your Enemies. Do Good To Those Who Hate You," Luke 6: 27-42
"Do You Know What You're Doing To Me?"
Jesus of Nazareth
"Pope Francis Links"
Pope Francis: Quotations On Finance, Economics, Capitalism And Inequality
Pope Francis: One Of The Most Powerful Critiques Of Capitalism You Will Ever Read
Pope Francis: "This Economy Kills"
Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Teaching
The Thinking Housewife Thinks The “Blacks” Ruin Neighborhoods
The Thinking Housewife, where white Christian Americans go to vent their spleen about the horrible non-white non-Christian turn America is taking, just posted a charming rant from “Alan”. It seems “Alan” is angry because by golly gee willikers in his day St. Louis was full of white folks, and now those durned “blacks” have come in and ruined it – just like they ruin everything:
The degradation by blacks of what once was a peaceful, civilized neighborhood is a law of nature as predictable as day following night…the reason for that is that blacks will make a jungle out of any town, neighborhood, or city if they are permitted to do so. I have seen them do this to five neighborhoods in St. Louis where my friends and I lived, played, and roamed at leisure when we were children more than fifty years ago and without ever any concern for our security.
Yes…this guy is complaining that the neighborhood he knew in 1963 has changed. Seriously, are people really complaining that neighborhoods they haven’t even lived in for the past 40 years have changed? OMG, Peepaw, is that you?
Do you think, if we ask nicely, he will write a post about how he’d like to send all cellphones straight to tarnation because they are ruining kids minds with their disgruntled bird games? Maybe he will even hand out Werther’s candies as we sit at his knee!
"The Thinking Housewife's Passion For Pope Paul IV Who Initiated Jewish Ghettos"
The Thinking Housewife and Closeted White Supremacy
"The United States Of Homosexual Imperialism," By Laura Wood, "The Thinking Housewife"
The Thinking Housewife: Marriage, Divorce And Absolutism
"Totalitarian Absolutism And The Thinking Housewife"
The Thinking Housewife: "The Non-Gentleman From Wolfeboro"
Laura Wood, "The Thinking Housewife," On "Bergolio's Ideology"
"Why We Must Discriminate," By The Thinking Housewife. Must We?
"The Oh So Stressful Suburbs" by "The Thinking Housewife" Laura Wood
"The Thinking Housewife" Slags Pope Francis As "Sloganeering Papal Impostor"
"The Thinking Housewife," Laura Wood: An Interview With Pope Francis
Compendium Of "Pax" Posts On "The Thinking Housewife," Laura Wood
Compendium Of "Pax" Posts On "The Thinking Housewife," Laura Wood
Despite Disclaimer, The Thinking Housewife Still Carries Torch For Ayn Rand
Despite Disclaimer, The Thinking Housewife Still Carries Torch For Ayn Rand
"The Thinking Housewife": Pretending To Be Apolitical
"The Thinking Housewife" And St. Catherine Of Siena
"The Thinking Housewife Applauds The Insight Of A Life-Long Hallucinogen User"
Liberalism: "Satanic Rebellion Against God?" (The Thinking Housewife)
"The Thinking Housewife," Contraception And "Why The Catholic Church Must Change"
The Thinking Housewife's Deluded Belief That "Black Violence Has Gotten Worse"
Thomas Bertonneau of "The Thinking Housewife" Makes Stunningly Poor Argument
"The Thinking Housewife's" Persistent Determination To Foster Falsehood

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