No contraception here.
... nor much difference from the cloistered nunneries of my youth.
How's that working out?
Dear Fred,
In her recent post, "Contraception and Freedom," Laura cites a keen observation by Aldous Huxley, a life-long user of hallucinogenic drugs, who, according to prior instruction, received deathbed injections of mescaline.
Laura also cites an interesting phrase -- "libido dominandi" -- borrowed from Augustine who, in his youth, was a world-class hedonist.
“FREE” contraceptives and abortion-causing drugs, distributed via government fiat, are the ultimate expression of what the writer E. Michael Jones, borrowing a phrase from St. Augustine, called libido dominandi. In Jones’s definition, libido dominandi is the drive for political control through sexual freedom. In his book of the same name, Jones wrote that a regime of sexual liberation is one of bondage, rendering citizens distracted and controlled by their passions and the havoc that results. In his preface to Brave New World, a fictitious rendition of this rule, Aldous Huxley wrote, “As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase.”
I agree with Laura.
Sexual freedom is often
a compensation.
I also note that "following the money" reveals capitalist "cost cutting" at the bottom of the insurance industry's willingness to offer free birth control. "Government fiat" is a useful rhetorical device but it does not cut to the capitalist quick. How many of Laura's readers have retirement funds invested in insurance companies that provide "free" contraception? I recommend more searching examination of conscience.
"3/4 Of Hobby Lobby's Investment Funds Include Contraception, Abortion Services"
Sexual freedom is often a compensation.
I also note that "following the money" reveals capitalist "cost cutting" at the bottom of the insurance industry's willingness to offer free birth control. "Government fiat" is a useful rhetorical device but it does not cut to the capitalist quick. How many of Laura's readers have retirement funds invested in insurance companies that provide "free" contraception? I recommend more searching examination of conscience.
"3/4 Of Hobby Lobby's Investment Funds Include Contraception, Abortion Services"
The compensation afforded by sexual freedom is also a "step along the way," just as young-buck violence is a "step along the way." (Not one Christian conservative in a hundred conceives the moral monstrosity of encouraging young, dumb warriors to participate in Uncle Sam's military fiascos.
Libertinism and
hormonally-driven violence are commonplace behaviors besetting vast
swathes of humanity.
All the way back to early Christian communities - and even farther back to King David himself -
Judeo-Christians have given free rein to the compelling impulses which God-Universe placed within them - impulses that
unleash the customary chaos of adolescence and early adulthood but which also pass
within a decade or two. (I once asked physician friend E.M.
what he would have done differently had he been present at "The
Creation." Not missing a beat, Ed said: "I would have
made sex less fun.")
All the way back to early Christian communities - and even farther back to King David himself - Judeo-Christians have given free rein to the compelling impulses which God-Universe placed within them - impulses that unleash the customary chaos of adolescence and early adulthood but which also pass within a decade or two. (I once asked physician friend E.M. what he would have done differently had he been present at "The Creation." Not missing a beat, Ed said: "I would have made sex less fun.")
"It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that even pagans do not tolerate: A man is sleeping with his father's wife."
1 Corinthians 5:1
An instructive aside...
I had dinner with a Passionist priest who had been stationed in Africa. During our
conversation Fr. Chris laughed aloud recounting a
lesson learned in the confessional. "All over West Africa, everyone is f_____ everyone else."
What I find most notable
in this anecdote is that Fr. Chris was talking about his
experience with practicing Catholics - Catholics so devout they
regularly "went to confession."
It would be enlightening
if Laura's correspondents were anonymously polled for the
"indiscretions" of their youth and for the contraceptive
practices they currently use -- or previously used during their
procreative years.
If nothing else, such a
poll would reveal how many of Laura's correspondents have the
courage to respond on a matter that is likely to reveal their own
"mortal sinfulness" - a breath of fresh air after non-stop finger-pointing at the sins of others.
Who knows? It might be
revealing if Laura herself weighed in.
Christian kings once did
public penance, donning sack and ash on the steps of the nearest
Why not Laura and
her readers?
Before leaving the
topic of "compensation" I must note
that religion itself is very
often an opiate, particularly bibliolatrous religion as
practiced across America's snake-handling
An instructive aside...
I had dinner with a Passionist priest who had been stationed in Africa. During our conversation Fr. Chris laughed aloud recounting a lesson learned in the confessional. "All over West Africa, everyone is f_____ everyone else."
What I find most notable in this anecdote is that Fr. Chris was talking about his experience with practicing Catholics - Catholics so devout they regularly "went to confession."
It would be enlightening if Laura's correspondents were anonymously polled for the "indiscretions" of their youth and for the contraceptive practices they currently use -- or previously used during their procreative years.
If nothing else, such a poll would reveal how many of Laura's correspondents have the courage to respond on a matter that is likely to reveal their own "mortal sinfulness" - a breath of fresh air after non-stop finger-pointing at the sins of others.
Who knows? It might be revealing if Laura herself weighed in.
Christian kings once did public penance, donning sack and ash on the steps of the nearest cathedral.
Why not Laura and her readers?
What is the result of addictive dependence on an "opiate" whose frequent purpose is to re-make God in the "believer's" image rather than the other way around.
never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from
religious conviction." Devout Christian, Blaise Pascal
by religion, "True
Believers" have engendered The Inquisition (which executed a Spaniard as recently as 1826), The Crusades, Jihad, The
Taliban - - and
the staggering carnage wrought by "Christian" nations
throughout the 20th

"Terrorism and The Other Religions"
the course of my life, I have observed that "sinners make some
of the best saints," whereas people who never sin (at least not
in any of the carnal ways they zealously condemn) tend to be but
superficially "innocent."
turn, blind-eye innocence propels "good Christians" to the
spiritual sin of uncharitable projection which, in my view, is worse
than the fleshy sins that might have humanized them with mercy and
it is our need for self-forgiveness that enables us to forgive
Encapsulated by presumed innocence, the ability to forgive does not develop.
we are called to grapple with "the spiritual sins" but too
often fixate on "the carnal sins of others," a practice that distracts us from our own essential
on Uncle Sam's nonsensical "crusades" in Vietnam and Iraq,
I wonder why there is no outburst from Christian warmongers confessing "personal
responsibility" for the hubris... the pride... the arrogance...
that prompted tens of millions of Americans to cheer the senseless
American soldiers are dead.
are maimed.
the toll on Iraqi civilians remains incalculable.
Against this backdrop, what do "good Christians" do?
They point their finger at Benghazi.
Benedict XVI: From Now On, There Are No "Just Wars"... just
In this bubbling stew of sin
and forgiveness, it is notable that Jesus enjoyed the company of
sinners. He also enjoyed the company of persistently dunderheaded
disciples who - just before Golgotha - argued over which of them
would be "first in the Kingdom of Heaven. "
I cannot even conjecture
why Yeshua's inner circle -- very late "in the game" --
would be squabbling over who gets bragging rights as "#1!"
Very Late In The Game
"USA #1? 40 Embarrassing Bests"
The fact remains that
church-going Jews considered Yeshua unclean, non-observant, impious
and blasphemous.
If the
current generation of "good Christians" had been "good
Jews" who lived at the time of Christ, they too would have
considered Yeshua reprehensible.
would have clamored for his crucifixion.
took centuries -- and, for some, it took adorning his vicar in ermine stoles
-- to adequately tame this wild man, this startling speaker of The
Woe Passages,
this everlasting admonition to Pharisees in every
Years ago, my pastor -- Fr.
Tom Tully (a Duke-trained electrical engineer in his first
profession) -- gave the following homily: 'If Jesus came to our
hometown today, I cannot imagine he would visit Holy Family Catholic
Church. Rather, he would make a beeline for the people who live
on "the other side of the tracks.""
The Pharisees (in
every generation) never visit the people "on the wrong side"
of the tracks.
Rather, their first (and
enduring) impulse is to proclaim the many reasons why they're all
going to Hell.
today, Yeshua were to visit Paris, I expect he would visit the
rioting Algerians ahead of Catholic hierarchs and their
marvel at Laura's sustained focus on the shortcomings of "colored"
people without any reference to America's whitest-of-white "heroes."
Blackwater Thugs Threaten Life Of State Department Official"
Nor do I envision Laura drawing attention to "Terrorism And The Other Religions" even though it would be beneficial - perhaps salvific - if her readers did research outside their comfort zone.
"Good Christians"
are too busy ignoring their unacknowledged collusion with The
Military-Industrial Complex, too distracted by applauding their
own salvific goodness, too eager to damn "the lost" and too
dedicated to cheer-leading Armageddon to visit any of the people
whose company Jesus preferred.
learn more about Jesus' unsavory friends, consider the tax
From memory, I recall the
following passage from Revelation: "Be ye hot or
cold or I shall vomit you out of my mouth."
Here is that same passage,
contextualized in The Message:
15-17 “I
know you inside and out, and find little to my liking. You’re not
cold, you’re not hot—far better to be either cold or hot! You’re
stale. You’re stagnant. You make me want to vomit. You brag, ‘I’m
rich, I’ve got it made, I need nothing from anyone,’ oblivious
that in fact you’re a pitiful, blind beggar, threadbare and
"Terrorism and The Other Religions"
In turn, blind-eye innocence propels "good Christians" to the spiritual sin of uncharitable projection which, in my view, is worse than the fleshy sins that might have humanized them with mercy and understanding.
Often, it is our need for self-forgiveness that enables us to forgive others.
Encapsulated by presumed innocence, the ability to forgive does not develop.
They point their finger at Benghazi.
I cannot even conjecture why Yeshua's inner circle -- very late "in the game" -- would be squabbling over who gets bragging rights as "#1!"
Very Late In The Game
"USA #1? 40 Embarrassing Bests"
It took centuries -- and, for some, it took adorning his vicar in ermine stoles -- to adequately tame this wild man, this startling speaker of The Woe Passages, this everlasting admonition to Pharisees in every generation.
I marvel at Laura's sustained focus on the shortcomings of "colored" people without any reference to America's whitest-of-white "heroes."

Nor do I envision Laura drawing attention to "Terrorism And The Other Religions" even though it would be beneficial - perhaps salvific - if her readers did research outside their comfort zone.
What if Dorothy Day is right? “I really only love God as much as I love the person I love the least.”
Dorothy's backdrop it is enlightening to read Yeshua's description of "the least of our brethren" and what our treatment of "the least" means in our lives.
Against Dorothy's backdrop it is enlightening to read Yeshua's description of "the least of our brethren" and what our treatment of "the least" means in our lives.
The Sheep and the Goats
31-33 “When
he finally arrives, blazing in beauty and all his angels with him,
the Son of Man will take his place on his glorious throne. Then all
the nations will be arranged before him and he will sort the people
out, much as a shepherd sorts out sheep and goats, putting sheep to
his right and goats to his left.
34-36 “Then
the King will say to those on his right, ‘Enter, you who are
blessed by my Father! Take what’s coming to you in this kingdom.
It’s been ready for you since the world’s foundation. And here’s
was hungry and you fed me,
was thirsty and you gave me a drink,
was homeless and you gave me a room,
was shivering and you gave me clothes,
was sick and you stopped to visit,
was in prison and you came to me.’
37-40 “Then
those ‘sheep’ are going to say, ‘Master, what are you talking
about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give
you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come
to you?’ Then the King will say, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth:
Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or
ignored, that was me—you did it to me.’
41-43 “Then
he will turn to the ‘goats,’ the ones on his left, and say, ‘Get
out, worthless goats! You’re good for nothing but the fires of
hell. And why? Because—
was hungry and you gave me no meal,
was thirsty and you gave me no drink,
was homeless and you gave me no bed,
was shivering and you gave me no clothes,
and in prison, and you never visited.’
44 “Then
those ‘goats’ are going to say, ‘Master, what are you talking
about? When did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or homeless or
shivering or sick or in prison and didn’t help?’
45 “He
will answer them, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you
failed to do one of these things to someone who was being overlooked
or ignored, that was me—you failed to do it to me.’
46 “Then
those ‘goats’ will be herded to their eternal doom, but the
‘sheep’ to their eternal reward.”
What good fortune Islamics don't count!
Pax tecum
PS Predictably, Hobby Lobby invests heavily in companies that make or provide goods/services to enable abortion and contraception. Here is how the logic works... So long as it is "real" money being invested in real Capitaliist Enterprise, conserative Christians are unconcerned by any moral consideration attached to an economic system requiring full-throttle promotion of The Seven Deadly Sins. Why? Their moral universe is limited to a "personal relationship" with God and this intense personalism obliges them to ignore structural, socio-political sin whose existence they deny as vehemently as the fact that the planet is getting hotter faster than ever before.

Christian conservatives construe "The Invisible Hand" as a kind of demigod.
Just "let it be" they chant. "There is no need to undertake any of virtues' traditional disciplines."
"The Invisible Hand" will "make it all better" - and without need for human attention or intervention.
G.K. Chesterton's Call For Constant Revolution"
Alan: It is not that we haven't been warned. It's that we're deliberately ignorant. Aggressively ignorant.
"Why We Fight"
PPS For contextualized understanding of Augustine's sexuality, I recommend the following article from Christian History, "What Would Augustine Say About Sex And Marriage?"
PS Predictably, Hobby Lobby invests heavily in companies that make or provide goods/services to enable abortion and contraception. Here is how the logic works... So long as it is "real" money being invested in real Capitaliist Enterprise, conserative Christians are unconcerned by any moral consideration attached to an economic system requiring full-throttle promotion of The Seven Deadly Sins. Why? Their moral universe is limited to a "personal relationship" with God and this intense personalism obliges them to ignore structural, socio-political sin whose existence they deny as vehemently as the fact that the planet is getting hotter faster than ever before.

Christian conservatives construe "The Invisible Hand" as a kind of demigod.
Just "let it be" they chant. "There is no need to undertake any of virtues' traditional disciplines."
"The Invisible Hand" will "make it all better" - and without need for human attention or intervention.
G.K. Chesterton's Call For Constant Revolution"

Alan: It is not that we haven't been warned. It's that we're deliberately ignorant. Aggressively ignorant.
"Why We Fight"
PPS For contextualized understanding of Augustine's sexuality, I recommend the following article from Christian History, "What Would Augustine Say About Sex And Marriage?"
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