Alan: This is not a temporary loss of insanity. American conservatives have been crazy since 9/11.
"Are Republicans Insane?" Best Pax Posts
Moderate Republican For Trump: Only Trump Can Restore GOP Sanity...
By A Landslide Loss
By A Landslide Loss
Rand Paul calls Trump's rise in polls a temporary 'loss of sanity:' Rand Paul in the news
by Sabrina Eaton
Today's Rand Paul news: In a Thursday interview on CNN, Kentucky GOP Sen. Rand Paul said he believes real estate mogul Donald Trump's rise in presidential polls "is a temporary sort of loss of sanity, but we're going to come back to our senses and look for someone serious to lead the country at some point:" The Hill
Paul was hardly able to disguise his obvious contempt for Trump and the media that incessantly covers him, telling CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "Television works, Wolf. If you would give some other candidates time from eight in the morning until eight at night all day long, every day for three weeks, I'm guessing some other candidates might rise as well:" MediaIte
He also went after Trump's proposal to have Mexico pay for a wall along the border."They're hungry for someone who will tell the truth, who will say Washington is broken and that we really have to start over ... wash out the place," Paul said of the voters currently supporting Trump. "But the thing is, we also have to have a serious discussion of how we're going to do it:" Sun Times Network
Financial disclosure forms that Paul filed at the Federal Election Commission show he's got assets valued between $576,000 and $1.7 million and no liabilities, putting him on the lower end of the 2016 presidential candidates' wealth spectrum. He reported income of between $377,000 and $1.4 million in the 18-month period beginning in January 2014, including his $174,000 salary for serving as a U.S. senator. A large chunk of Mr. Paul's income came from royalties and advances from four books he has written. "Taking a Stand," published in 2014, brought in between $100,000 and $1 million, according to the disclosure: The Wall Street Journal
A super PAC founded to support the presidential candidacy of Rand Paul took in about $1.9 million in campaign contributions since its relaunch last month, according to areport filed Wednesday with the Federal Election Commission. Most of the money given to the organization, Concerned American Voters, came from one individual: PayPal board member and legal marijuana advocate Scott Banister, who gave $1.25 million: National Journal
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