"Indiana, It's A Great Place To Be A Bigot"
The Video
The Video
Alan: Where does bigotry end?
And why do "true believers" have a "moral obligation" to shun commerce with gay people but not with those straights who facilitate the supposed sinfulness of gay people by having commerce with them?
If we accept the premises of "true believers," the situation is analogous to prostitution.
"Good Christians" may not support the "prostitutes" themselves.
Instead they support the "pimps" - the enablers.
"Good Christians" may not support the "prostitutes" themselves.
Instead they support the "pimps" - the enablers.
Which, in turn, begs the question...
Which of them is worse?
And what about my fellow Catholics whose physicians supply women with contraceptives?
Which of them is worse?
And what about my fellow Catholics whose physicians supply women with contraceptives?
Should these Good Catholics not at least ask their physicians whether they participate in such sinfulness?
Only then can Good Catholics refrain from encouraging those who aid and abet sinfulness in others.
And if physicians refuse to reveal their profiteering promotion of sinfulness, should Catholics not shun them "on suspicion?"
Better to err on the side of safety. No?
Hold your moral ground! Shoot on suspicion!
Better to err on the side of safety. No?
Hold your moral ground! Shoot on suspicion!
And what of the companies represented in Good Christians' retirement funds whose component companies produce condoms, IUDs, chemical contraceptives and appliances used in abortion?
Not to mention the armaments we sell to Saudi Arabia, the epicenter of Islamist terror. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2014/09/saudi-arabians-support-for-wahhabi.html
Not to mention the armaments we sell to Saudi Arabia, the epicenter of Islamist terror. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2014/09/saudi-arabians-support-for-wahhabi.html
And why is there no moral obligation that Catholics divest such cash-on-the-barrelhead participation in sinfulness? To choose just one bad actor, why does General Electric not get "the moral axe?"
Most Christian churches teach that gay orientation is not sinful.
Rather, they condemn sexual activity "outside of marriage."
Which raises this question...
Short of being in someone's bedroom, how do these "Good Christians" know that gay people are
Short of being in someone's bedroom, how do these "Good Christians" know that gay people are
practicing gays? (Even married couples are sometimes celibate.)
There is also a good chance that one of "your" ministers, priests or nuns is actively gay, a circumstance that ruffles no feathers as long as it can be ignored.
And why is my own conscience not respected by allowing me to withhold that portion of my taxes that pays for capital punishment or the murderous, unjust wars that force me into collaborative killing?
"Bush's Toxic Legacy In Iraq"
Pope Benedict XVI's Question: 'Can Modern Warfare Ever Be
Make no mistake.
Bigoted Christians are their own worst enemy.
By their actions (and inaction) these aggressively ignorant people contrive to undermine the believability of their faith.
If not their children, then their grandchildren will turn on them in disgust.
These young people will not shun their elders' religion because the kids are immoral but because their "Christian" parents and grandparents are.

Gospel Of Mark: Why Doesn't Kim Davis Deny Marriage Licenses To The Previously Divorced?
Quaker Official Refuses To Issue Gun License
Quaker Official Refuses To Issue Gun License

The Borowitz Report: "Indiana Defines Stupidity As Religion"
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