
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

74 (Seventy Four) School Shootings Since Newtown

"Gun Cartoons and Gun Violence Bibliography"


Note: In absolute numbers -- and as a percentage of the U.S. population -- a disproportionate number of school shootings took place in the old Confederacy/Bible Belt.

Chart: This map shows where the 74 shootings took place. 
Niraj Chokshi in The Washington Post.


74 school shootings since Newtown. " The shooting near Portland is the 74th school shooting since the Newtown massacre in December 2012, according to the group Everytown for Gun Safety, which is aimed at promoting gun control measures. Fully half of those shootings have occurred so far this year, and it is only the second week of June. That list is limited to school shootings where a gun was fired inside a school building or on a school’s campus, and it does include times when guns were accidentally fired, the group reports....That list is just focused on school shootings the group finds through media reports, so the organization warns that it’s likely under-counting the number of school shootings." Mark Berman in The Washington Post.


The "good" news:

This shooting happened just after the 16th annual school safety report's release showed school crime in general is down. "The survey primarily focuses on crime and safety at the nation's elementary and secondary schools, where fewer crimes were reported than 20 years ago, according to the report. Of students ages 12-18, 52 per 1,000 reported being victims of a crime at school in 2012, compared with 181 per 1,000 in 1992, according to the report. Away from school that rate fell from 173 per 1,000 to 38. Males were more likely than females to be victims of crime, and students in urban and suburban areas were more likely than their rural counterparts to have experienced crime." Eric Tucker in the Associated Press.

Some of the good Christians who make this possible.

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