- Rick Snyder's Michigan: Detroit citizens appeal to the UNHCR for water
- Teachers face firing for speaking out for their students
- So much for that CRAAAZY Elizabeth Warren
- Cartoon: Playground
- Jon Stewart looks at Hillary and Biden's appeal to blue collar voters
- Thad Cochran survives thanks to Democrats
- Climate: Inaction costs, action benefits. We're talking trillions in benefits
- Reuters: ‘It will be functionally impossible to be outside’ by end of century
- Judge orders TSA to follow due process in enforcing no-fly list
- Detroit shutting off water to thousands every week as desperate citizens appeal to U.N. for help
- Astronomical Obamacare rate hikes? Not in this state
- Gaming out the potential Hobby Lobby decisions
- Which 17 Democrats voted to weaken regulations on oil and gas pipelines?
- Jon Stewart on Dick Cheney's hypocrisy
- The time the head of the Tea Party Patriots got government help
- California Senate backs constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United
PA school director wants kids to learn the Tea Party ‘science’ of global warming denial
Son of American Atheists founder attacks his slain mother and praises Russia’s anti-LGBT laws
Porn star’s vengeful penis pic prompts GOP lawmaker’s chief of staff to quit
Iraq War redux: Dick Cheney warns Fox that nuclear weapons are ‘spreading’ to terrorists
John Birch Society warns gun enthusiasts that Cenk Uygur plotting to rewrite the Constitution
Football player seeks to portray unconscious Vanderbilt rape victim as ‘promiscuous’
Your DNA helps explain complicated link between pot and schizophrenia
Open Carry Texas insists ‘we don’t see color’ after calling off march in black neighborhood
To foil Medicaid expansion in VA, GOP lawmakers broke into governor’s office
Tea Party urges Chris McDaniel to run as write-in after black Democrats ‘steal’ primary
‘Private attorney general’ tells Bundy ranch gathering that most laws don’t apply to them
Arizona school superintendent wants to ban Spanish: ‘This is America, speak English’
NC GOP lawmaker tells gay colleague that he’s like a pedophile or animal rapist
Pat Robertson: People with Jesus tattoos are still heathens
Iraq War redux: Dick Cheney warns Fox that nuclear weapons are ‘spreading’ to terrorists
Supreme Court: Police need a warrant before searching a suspect’s cell phone
Jon Boehner says he is going to sue Obama over executive actions
Sarah Palin is maybe going to take the Tea Party home and go rogue third party with it
Chicago lawmakers to vote on bill that would require gun purchases to be videotaped
Son of American Atheists founder attacks his slain mother and praises Russia’s anti-LGBT laws
Porn star’s vengeful penis pic prompts GOP lawmaker’s chief of staff to quit
Iraq War redux: Dick Cheney warns Fox that nuclear weapons are ‘spreading’ to terrorists
John Birch Society warns gun enthusiasts that Cenk Uygur plotting to rewrite the Constitution
Football player seeks to portray unconscious Vanderbilt rape victim as ‘promiscuous’
Your DNA helps explain complicated link between pot and schizophrenia
Open Carry Texas insists ‘we don’t see color’ after calling off march in black neighborhood
To foil Medicaid expansion in VA, GOP lawmakers broke into governor’s office
Tea Party urges Chris McDaniel to run as write-in after black Democrats ‘steal’ primary
‘Private attorney general’ tells Bundy ranch gathering that most laws don’t apply to them
Arizona school superintendent wants to ban Spanish: ‘This is America, speak English’
NC GOP lawmaker tells gay colleague that he’s like a pedophile or animal rapist
Pat Robertson: People with Jesus tattoos are still heathens
Iraq War redux: Dick Cheney warns Fox that nuclear weapons are ‘spreading’ to terrorists
Supreme Court: Police need a warrant before searching a suspect’s cell phone
Jon Boehner says he is going to sue Obama over executive actions
Sarah Palin is maybe going to take the Tea Party home and go rogue third party with it
Chicago lawmakers to vote on bill that would require gun purchases to be videotaped
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