"Republicans Finally Admit Why They Hate Obamacare"
"GOP's Anti-Medicaid Expansion Body Count, By State"
"Why Are Murderous GOP Governors Protected By The Press?"

The Hard, Central Truth Of Contemporary Conservatism
The hard, central "fact" of contemporary "conservatism" is its insistence on a socio-economic threshold above which people deserve government assistance, and below which people deserve to die.
The sooner the better.
Unless conservatives are showing n'er-do-wells The Door of Doom, they just don't "feel right."
To allay this chthonic anxiety, they resort to Human Sacrifice, hoping that spilled blood will placate "the angry gods," including the one they've made of themselves. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2013/09/harvard-study-45000-americans-die.html
Having poked their own eyes out, they fail to see that self-generated wrath creates "the gods" who hold them thrall.
The Evangelical Persecution Complex
(Projection's Finest Hour)
Almost "to a man," contemporary "conservatives" have apotheosized themselves and now -- sitting on God's usurped throne -- are rabid to pass Final Judgment.
Self-proclaimed Christians, eager to thrust "the undeserving" through The Gates of Hell, are the very people most likely to cross its threshold.
Remarkably, although they are prone to believe all manner of Trumpeted nonsense, none of them are tempted to believe in their own spiritual peril.
The Pharisees Are Always With Us.
Here's What They "Look Like" Today
Jesus Rages Against The Hypocrisy Of Religious Leaders: "Woe To You Religious Leaders!"
Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Organized Religion And The Everyday Validation Of Violence
Compendium Of Best Pax Posts: What I Think About Christianity
Amanpour: Fr. Greg Boyle S.J. Rehabilitates LA Gang Members With Tenderness

But never mind.
If you can rationalize Trump, you can rationalize anything.
Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Trump And His Cultists' Passion For Lying And Falsehood
Compendium Of Pax Posts Concerning Trump's Habitual Lying
It's Not That The Assholes Are Uninterested In Truth.
They Are Hostile To Truth.
"The Hardest Truth: People Want To Be Lied To"

How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell HUGE Lies
"The Hardest Truth: People Want To Be Lied To"
"Trumpistas Don't Just Lie.
They Are Hostile To Truth"
Trump Tells The Truth: "I Lie."

Compendium Of Pax Posts Concerning Trump's Habitual Lying
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2017/02/compendium-of-pax-posts-concerning.htmlIf Mueller Had Been Given Sodium Pentathol, Here's What He Would've Told Us
VIDEO: Trump Tells More Lies Than Any U.S. Politician. Why Do Patriots And Xtians Believe A Liar?
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2017/01/video-trump-tells-more-lies-than-any-us.htmlReprise: How Trump "Takes Credit" That's Not His... And The Dimwits Buy It
People Want To Be Lied To: The Convergent Horror Of Faithful Falsehood And Aggressive Ignorance
Trump Could Begin Every Speech With The Words "Everything I'm About To Tell You Is A Lie" And...
Republicans Generally - And Trump Specifically - Are Eager To Lie And Cheat If It Expands Their Power
False Witness
Comparing American Politicians' Lie Rates (From Mormon Press)
How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell HUGE Lies
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspo t.com/2017/08/scott-pruitt-how -conservatives-use.html
Ted Cruz Gives Detailed Explanation Of Trump's Pathological Obsession With Continuous Lying

Fred Owens' Facebook Page, "Fake News" And The Credibility Of The Mainstream Press
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspo t.com/2017/02/fred-owens-faceb ook-page-fake-news-and.html
60 Minutes: "Fake News"
Compendium Of Pax Posts Re: Trump's Non-Stop Ability To Tell One Lie After Another
Compendium Of Pax Posts On Post-Inaugural Blur Of White House Lies And "Alternative Facts"
Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics - And Devious Donald
Best "Pax" Posts On The Republican Party

Millions Of Deplorables Voted For Trump Because He Was The Only Candidate Who Was As Crazy As They Are
The Borowitz Report: "Trump Blasts Media For Reporting What He Says"
28 Enormities That Prevent Conscionable People From Hoping Trump Is A Successful President
Donald's Doozies: A Yuge (And Yugely Incomplete) Compendium Of Trump's "Pants On Fire" Lies
Compendium Of Pax Posts About Donald Trump
Compendium Of Pax Posts About Donald Trump
Donald Trump, Felon: Re-Visiting Trump University
Married Couple Say Trump Defrauded Them Of $36,000.00 But Will Vote For Him Anyway
We Redacted Everything That's Not A Verifiably True Statement From Trump's Time Magazine Interview About Truth
Fact-Checking Trump's TIME Interview On Truths And Falsehoods
Donald Trump: A Man So Obnoxious That Karma May See Him Reincarnated As Himself

We Redacted Everything That's Not A Verifiably True Statement From Trump's Time Magazine Interview About Truth

Fact-Checking Trump's TIME Interview On Truths And Falsehoods
Donald Trump: A Man So Obnoxious That Karma May See Him Reincarnated As Himself
Shit-Slinger Trump Says Obama Wiretapped Trump Tower During Campaign. Obama Is "Bad, Sick"
The Best Photographic Evidence Of Trump Inaugural Crowd Size: From Stage & From Monument
National Park Service Releases Official Photos Of Trump And Obama's Inaugural Crowds
National Park Service Releases Official Photos Of Trump And Obama's Inaugural Crowds
"There Are Two Ways Of Lying..." Denis De Rougemont And Donald Trump
Behind The Mask, The GOP's True Face: Ayn Rand's Ideological Acolyte Paul Ryan Promotes Her Central Belief That Altruism Is Evil
Why Americans Have A Moral Obligation NOT To Respect Donald Trump
American Conservatives And Aggressive Ignorance
Too Ignorant To Keep Democracy Alive
"Are Republicans Insane?" Best Pax Posts
"President Trump's Lies, The Definitive List"
New York Times
The Toronto Star's Complete Tally Of Trump's 337 Lies Since Inauguration (June 26, 2017)
Compendium Of Best "Pax" Posts About Devious Donald, "The Deplorable One"
Best Trump Memes From "Pax On Both Houses"
Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics - And Devious Donald
"There Are Two Ways Of Lying..." Denis De Rougemont And Donald Trump

Behind The Mask, The GOP's True Face: Ayn Rand's Ideological Acolyte Paul Ryan Promotes Her Central Belief That Altruism Is Evil
Why Americans Have A Moral Obligation NOT To Respect Donald Trump
American Conservatives And Aggressive Ignorance
Too Ignorant To Keep Democracy Alive
"Are Republicans Insane?" Best Pax Posts
"President Trump's Lies, The Definitive List"
New York Times
The Toronto Star's Complete Tally Of Trump's 337 Lies Since Inauguration (June 26, 2017)
Compendium Of Best "Pax" Posts About Devious Donald, "The Deplorable One"
Best Trump Memes From "Pax On Both Houses"
Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics - And Devious Donald
Pax on both houses: Donald Trump: Truth Doesn't Matter
Pax on both houses: Why The Media HAS To Lie About Trump
Pax on both houses: Aquinas, Trump, Truth... And "Alternative Truth"
Pax on both houses: Donald's Demonic Deviousness: How Trump ...

Then there's Alabama, Mississipi, Lousiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Indiana and Kansas.
Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh.
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