
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Most Bloodthirsty Obligation In Any Of The World's Sacred Scriptures Is Found In The Bible

“A man might have a son who is stubborn and refuses to obey. This son does not obey his father or mother. They punish the son, but he still refuses to listen to them.  His father and mother must then take him to the leaders of the town at the town meeting place.  They must say to the leaders of the town: ‘Our son is stubborn and refuses to obey. He does not do anything we tell him to do. He eats and he drinks too much.’ Then the men in the town must kill the son with stones. By doing this you will remove this evil from your group. Everyone in Israel will hear about this and be afraid."  Deuteronomy 21:18-21 

Alan: I believe there is no passage in the Quran as bloodthirsty as this excerpt from Deuteronomy, one of the five foundational books of The Torah. 

Whereas the Quran enjoins the slaughter of infidels, this excerpt from Deuteronomy not only authorizes, but commands the slaughter of one's own children - and not because they are infidels but because they are "stubborn" - in many translations, "rebellious." 

Notably, the obligatory slaughter of one's own children is invoked for behavior that is not only normal but necessary for the development of an adolescent's  psyche. 

According to this Deuteronomic command, I -- and everyone I know -- would have been killed as teenagers, first being denounced by our own parents, then being stoned by ALL the men of my community, most of them blood relatives.

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