
Monday, August 8, 2016

Star Trek's Sulu, George Takei, Gives Superb Analysis Of Trump's Xenophobia - In Spanish

Star Trek's Sulu, George Takei, Gives Superb Analysis Of Trump's Xenophobia In Spanish
(With English Subtitles)

Alan: Recently, I spoke with two Mexican-American friends whom I was proud to assist in the United States citizenship process in 2015. 
"Can You Pass The U.S. Citizenship Test?"

I asked my friends -- Herlinda (62) and Ismael (65) -- if they were aware of any latinos who supported Trump.  

"Yes, we see some on television," they said.

Then when I asked if they -- or any of their family and friends -- had knowledge of anyone who was supporting Trump, their reply was surprisingly emphatic: "No! Nadie lo apoya!" ("No! No one supports him!")

Herlinda and Ismael are parents of six children and grandparents of many more. They are members of a large extended family and pillars of a vibrant Catholic congregation in Hillsborough, North Carolina.

Despite hundreds of personal relationships - and thousands of indirect relationships through family and friends - Herlinda and Ismael are unaware of a single latino who supports Trump.

They also assure me that latinos previously uninterested in American politics are now preparing for citizenship. Similarly, they report enthusiasm throughout the Hispanic community to encourage any one who can vote in November's election to "turn out." 

Herlinda and Ismael are so determined to vote in the upcoming contest that they have decided to cast their ballots early in order to circumvent any last-minute polling place difficulty. 

I am emailing this post to scores of latinos in the hope that Sulu's powerful counsel "goes viral."

It is one thing to oppose Trump and another to "get out" the latino vote which now comprises 11.9% of the electorate. 

2016 Electorate Will Be The Most Diverse In U.S. History
With 31% Of The Electorate Comprised Of Hispanics, Blacks And Asians.
(Native Americans Comprise Another 1-2% And Arab-Americans Make Up 1%)

Mapping The Latino Electorate By State
(Great Map!)

Hispanic Vote Will Reach Record High In 2016

The Changing Latino Electorate

How The GOP Lost Arab-American Voters

GOP 2016: Polls Show Muslim Voters Used To Love Republican Candidates, But Not Anymore

"He's Not One Of Us!" | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Compendium Of Pax Posts About Donald Trump, Updated July 31, 2016

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