Portia and Shylock
The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown;
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway;
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's
When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,
Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
That, in the course of justice, none of us
Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy;
And that same prayer doth teach us all to render
The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much
To mitigate the justice of thy plea;
Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice
Must needs give sentence 'gainst the merchant there.
— The Merchant of Venice, Act 4, Scene 1

Portia and Shylock
- The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
- It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
- Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest;
- It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
- 'Tis mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes
- The throned monarch better than his crown;
- His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
- The attribute to awe and majesty,
- Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
- But mercy is above this sceptred sway;
- It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,
- It is an attribute to God himself;
- And earthly power doth then show likest God's
- When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,
- Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
- That, in the course of justice, none of us
- Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy;
- And that same prayer doth teach us all to render
- The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much
- To mitigate the justice of thy plea;
- Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice
- Must needs give sentence 'gainst the merchant there.
— The Merchant of Venice, Act 4, Scene 1
Dear Laura,
Concerning your recent email, "There is no left or right. Only right or wrong."
On one level that may be true, but there are simplistic levels of truth and meta-levels of Truth.
And "being kind" is more important than "being right."
In His Sacred Heart, God "knows" this.
It is why mercy trumps justice.
Epistle of James 2:13
"Mercy Is Not Fair"
As I contemplate "extra ecclesiam, nulla salus" -- and your consequent conviction that all humans "outside the Catholic fold" are lost souls, apparently "roasting in Hell" -- it is difficult to sort the facets of your unbending conviction that "popes rule over everything relating to faith and morals" so that the central issue of "authority" -- and the many ways it can be viewed -- is not lost.
Within the Catholic tradition, authority claims three roots: Scripture, Tradition and Dogma.
It is not only possible but inevitable that each believer acknowledge a different degree of authoritative importance to these three dimensions.
To me (and to many other Christians including Catholic Christians) it is apparent -- even self-evident -- that Scripture is the taproot of authority and that Tradition and Dogma are derivative.
You choose to focus disproportionately on Dogma and Tradition and that is fine.
However, it is wrong to believe that those Catholics who emphasize Dogma and Tradition are right to prioritize these derivatives over The New Testament itself.
Notably, your teaching rarely cites the spoken words of Jesus.
Like other Catholic dogmatists, you put the cart before the horse, a practice that is neither the "natural" nor "supernatural" "order of things."
Dear Laura,
Concerning your recent email, "There is no left or right. Only right or wrong."
On one level that may be true, but there are simplistic levels of truth and meta-levels of Truth.
And "being kind" is more important than "being right."
In His Sacred Heart, God "knows" this.
It is why mercy trumps justice.
Epistle of James 2:13"Mercy Is Not Fair"As I contemplate "extra ecclesiam, nulla salus" -- and your consequent conviction that all humans "outside the Catholic fold" are lost souls, apparently "roasting in Hell" -- it is difficult to sort the facets of your unbending conviction that "popes rule over everything relating to faith and morals" so that the central issue of "authority" -- and the many ways it can be viewed -- is not lost.
Within the Catholic tradition, authority claims three roots: Scripture, Tradition and Dogma.
It is not only possible but inevitable that each believer acknowledge a different degree of authoritative importance to these three dimensions.
To me (and to many other Christians including Catholic Christians) it is apparent -- even self-evident -- that Scripture is the taproot of authority and that Tradition and Dogma are derivative.
You choose to focus disproportionately on Dogma and Tradition and that is fine.
However, it is wrong to believe that those Catholics who emphasize Dogma and Tradition are right to prioritize these derivatives over The New Testament itself.
Notably, your teaching rarely cites the spoken words of Jesus.
Like other Catholic dogmatists, you put the cart before the horse, a practice that is neither the "natural" nor "supernatural" "order of things."
Yeshua Excoriates Fellow Pharisees: "The Woe Passages"
"Love Your Enemies. Do Good To Those Who Hate You," Luke 6: 27-42
"Do You Know What You're Doing To Me?"
Jesus of Nazareth
The Gospels With The Words Of Jesus In Red
Everything Jesus And The Apostles Had To Say About "The Rich" And "The Poor"
Jesus Rails Against Human Traditions Of "Our Great Leaders Who Lived Long Ago"
"Twelve Steps For The Recovering Pharisee (Like Me)" By John Fischer
"Twelve Steps For The Recovering Pharisee (Like Me)" By John Fischer
You are of course free to persist in undervaluing and (often) ignoring The Master, preferring instead the pronouncements of proto-Nazi Pope Paul IV.
But it is ill-advised to pontificate on the preemptive superiority of Dogma and Tradition.
Pope Paul IV, 1476 - 1559. Proto-Nazi?
I propose that salvation -- as it relates to membership in the "holy, universal Church" -- does not hinge (as a sine qua non) on formulary participation in the doctrinal structures of the Church but rather on nitty-gritty, rubber-meets-the-road participation in the ongoing incarnation of Love as preached and modeled by Yeshua the Jew. The crux of Catholicism is the embodiment of "kingdom come." And anyone whose behavior reveals that s/he "embodies love" -- most especially "loving one's enemies" -- belongs to the Church in the only essential way. And anyone who does not embody love (especially for one's enemies) is a "lost soul."
Dorothy Day put it well: "I really only love God as much as I love the person I love the least."
Adherence to structure-and-form does not, indeed can not, alter the embodied essence of things, which is to say The Existential Reality of our participation of the God who, in Judeo-Christian scripture, first defined Himself as "I am who am."
I encourage you to read the parable of The Good Samaritan, keeping in mind that Jesus chose a Samaritan to illustrate "The Way" because "real" Judean Jews despised Samaritans as reprehensible pretenders to Judaism.
The Parable of The Good Samaritan
Jesus himself was notably uninterested in formal (Pharisaic) affiliation with "Yahweh's Church" but instead prioritized the actual manifestation of Love and Service over orthodox membership and formulary professions of faith.
38John said to Jesus, “Teacher, we saw someone using your name to cast out demons, but we told him to stop because he wasn’t in our group.” 39“Don’t stop him!” Jesus said. “No one who performs a miracle in my name will soon be able to speak evil of me.40Anyone who is not against us is for us. 41If anyone gives you even a cup of water because you belong to the Messiah, I tell you the truth, that person will surely be rewarded. Mark 9
In the "toss-up" between prioritizing Scripture and prioritizing Tradition-Dogma, we find that Jesus himself was unusually critical (often vitriolically so) of church authorities, particularly "high priests" and punctilious churchgoers of Pharisaic stripe.
Jesus Rails Against "Human Traditions" Of "Our Great Leaders Who Lived Long Ago"
If we rely on tradition -- even rejoicing in its wonders and goodness -- we still find ourselves in league with proto-Nazi Pope Paul IV.
"The Thinking Housewife's Passion For Pope Paul IV Who Initiated Jewish Ghettos"
If we rely on sacred scripture, we must ask why conservative Christians' hottest buttons are triggered by issues that Jesus did not even address -- homosexuality and abortion -- while at the same time conservative Christians are remarkably heedless of what Yeshua actually said.
A few of Yeshua's frequently ignored teachings come to mind: "Love your enemies." "Do good to those who persecute you." "Turn the other cheek." "If someone robs your cloak, offer him your tunic as well." If you'd like, I will supply dozens more.
And why do a profusion of self-evident contradictions between Scripture and conservative Christian belief go blithely unnoticed?
Hey Christian! How Many Of Jesus' Moral Stands Do You Approve? Take The Test!
In recent years, you justify your criticisms of Pope Francis' authority with citations from Pope Paul IV and Innocent III.
More recently you have cranked up your vilification of secular authorities, particularly those that (in your view) are responsible for "false flag attacks."
To cite one of your favorite bêtes noires you believe that a devious Homeland Security Theater Troop fakes "every" mass murder involving firearms, including the Aurora cinema "slaughter" and the killing of two dozen six year olds at Sandy Hook school in Newton, Connecticut.
While you indulge this inclination at every turn, you do not (and probably cannot) acknowledge the possibility that people of good will -- even honorable Christians -- can question "Vatican stagecraft" whose purpose (as persuasively articulated by intelligent believers) is to induce submission to the "structured church's" central authority, thus garnering sufficient tribute to sustain (and hopefully extend) the Vatican's "divine right" monarchy.
Without getting "lost in the weeds," I encourage you to study the qualitative change that settled on the Church when the embattled communities of early Christianity suddenly found themselves integral components of the Roman Empire's State Religion.
Given that "power corrupts," I encourage you to study the lineaments of this transformative corruption by poking around Wikipedia's entries on "Saint" Constantine the Great and his mother "Saint" Helena (who, according to tradition, brought The True Cross ... La Vera Cruz ... from Israel to Rome).
Constantine's Epochal Impact On Christianity
You are of course free to persist in undervaluing and (often) ignoring The Master, preferring instead the pronouncements of proto-Nazi Pope Paul IV.But it is ill-advised to pontificate on the preemptive superiority of Dogma and Tradition.
Pope Paul IV, 1476 - 1559. Proto-Nazi?I propose that salvation -- as it relates to membership in the "holy, universal Church" -- does not hinge (as a sine qua non) on formulary participation in the doctrinal structures of the Church but rather on nitty-gritty, rubber-meets-the-road participation in the ongoing incarnation of Love as preached and modeled by Yeshua the Jew. The crux of Catholicism is the embodiment of "kingdom come." And anyone whose behavior reveals that s/he "embodies love" -- most especially "loving one's enemies" -- belongs to the Church in the only essential way. And anyone who does not embody love (especially for one's enemies) is a "lost soul."Dorothy Day put it well: "I really only love God as much as I love the person I love the least."Adherence to structure-and-form does not, indeed can not, alter the embodied essence of things, which is to say The Existential Reality of our participation of the God who, in Judeo-Christian scripture, first defined Himself as "I am who am."
I encourage you to read the parable of The Good Samaritan, keeping in mind that Jesus chose a Samaritan to illustrate "The Way" because "real" Judean Jews despised Samaritans as reprehensible pretenders to Judaism.The Parable of The Good SamaritanJesus himself was notably uninterested in formal (Pharisaic) affiliation with "Yahweh's Church" but instead prioritized the actual manifestation of Love and Service over orthodox membership and formulary professions of faith.38John said to Jesus, “Teacher, we saw someone using your name to cast out demons, but we told him to stop because he wasn’t in our group.” 39“Don’t stop him!” Jesus said. “No one who performs a miracle in my name will soon be able to speak evil of me.40Anyone who is not against us is for us. 41If anyone gives you even a cup of water because you belong to the Messiah, I tell you the truth, that person will surely be rewarded. Mark 9
In the "toss-up" between prioritizing Scripture and prioritizing Tradition-Dogma, we find that Jesus himself was unusually critical (often vitriolically so) of church authorities, particularly "high priests" and punctilious churchgoers of Pharisaic stripe.Jesus Rails Against "Human Traditions" Of "Our Great Leaders Who Lived Long Ago"If we rely on tradition -- even rejoicing in its wonders and goodness -- we still find ourselves in league with proto-Nazi Pope Paul IV.
"The Thinking Housewife's Passion For Pope Paul IV Who Initiated Jewish Ghettos"If we rely on sacred scripture, we must ask why conservative Christians' hottest buttons are triggered by issues that Jesus did not even address -- homosexuality and abortion -- while at the same time conservative Christians are remarkably heedless of what Yeshua actually said.
A few of Yeshua's frequently ignored teachings come to mind: "Love your enemies." "Do good to those who persecute you." "Turn the other cheek." "If someone robs your cloak, offer him your tunic as well." If you'd like, I will supply dozens more.
And why do a profusion of self-evident contradictions between Scripture and conservative Christian belief go blithely unnoticed?
Hey Christian! How Many Of Jesus' Moral Stands Do You Approve? Take The Test!In recent years, you justify your criticisms of Pope Francis' authority with citations from Pope Paul IV and Innocent III.
More recently you have cranked up your vilification of secular authorities, particularly those that (in your view) are responsible for "false flag attacks."
To cite one of your favorite bêtes noires you believe that a devious Homeland Security Theater Troop fakes "every" mass murder involving firearms, including the Aurora cinema "slaughter" and the killing of two dozen six year olds at Sandy Hook school in Newton, Connecticut.
While you indulge this inclination at every turn, you do not (and probably cannot) acknowledge the possibility that people of good will -- even honorable Christians -- can question "Vatican stagecraft" whose purpose (as persuasively articulated by intelligent believers) is to induce submission to the "structured church's" central authority, thus garnering sufficient tribute to sustain (and hopefully extend) the Vatican's "divine right" monarchy.
Without getting "lost in the weeds," I encourage you to study the qualitative change that settled on the Church when the embattled communities of early Christianity suddenly found themselves integral components of the Roman Empire's State Religion.
Given that "power corrupts," I encourage you to study the lineaments of this transformative corruption by poking around Wikipedia's entries on "Saint" Constantine the Great and his mother "Saint" Helena (who, according to tradition, brought The True Cross ... La Vera Cruz ... from Israel to Rome).
Constantine's Epochal Impact On Christianity
Except for the Church's faith-based (and largely tautological) justification of infallibility (which was the immediate cause of Lord Acton's famous dictum on the corrupting influence of power, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dalberg-Acton,_1st_Baron_Acton#Religion_and_writings) many questions concerning Vatican motives make more sense than your ever multiplying conspiracy theories.
At minimum, you might rightly acknowledge that many of these critics are kindred spirits determined to reveal truths that deviate from The Official Story.
Faith aside, intellectual honesty requires frank admission that you -- and other bright, studious people -- marshal the evidence to reach widely divergent conclusions, any of which -- for all we know -- may be better approximations of Truth than others. (In recent months your own blog is full of conflicting opinions concerning Donald Trump, whom you admirably condemn.)
You wrap yourself in the mantle of "settled orthodoxy" whilst your own analysis of The Body Politic makes you increasingly heterodox.
Make no mistake, the Church is deeply immersed in The Body Politic and is therefore fair game for all those who use your own investigative style - only to different ends.
That said, a fundamental "conservative" error undergirds your broken epistemology, to wit: discovering "evidence" that seems to contradict The Official Story does not automatically validate de novo assertions of any particular "New Story." Indeed, your ongoing effort to replace garden variety secular truths with conspiracy theories is very labored, at times wincingly so. (An aside... Let us not forget that it was the secular press that brought priestly pederasty to light while every diocesan newspaper in the world simply ignored the rape-sodomization of our children.)
Are you really confident God will welcome you at the Pearly Gates with praise for your "good work on Sandy Hook?"
Were I in your position, I would not bet the farm.
"Authority has simply been abused too long in the Catholic church, and for many people it just becomes utterly stupid and intolerable to have to put up with the kind of jackassing around that is imposed in God's name. It is an insult to God himself and in the end it can only discredit all idea of authority and obedience. There comes a point where they simply forfeit the right to be listened to." Thomas Merton in a letter to W. H. Ferry, dated January 19, 1967, 23 months before Merton's death
At bottom, an attack on "designated authority" is an attack on authority even if you choose to paint putative authority as non-authoritative.
Inescapably, our "medium is our most important message" and your medium of attacking all designated authority -- church and state -- is "what" your children and descendants are likely to learn from your ceaseless drive to impugn whatever authority does not coincide with your own authoritarianism.
Context is always more important than content.
Make no mistake. I am not saying your bedrock matrix of iconoclastic criticism is a bad thing.
I am saying that you are undermining the likelihood that your descendants will believe in traditional Catholicism.
On an existential level deeper than any particular dogma or doctrine you will have persuaded your descendants that authority can be attacked because you have normalized attack.
Although you carefully reference Pope Paul IV and Pope Innocent III, your core mission is to pontificate with greater certainty than the pontiff himself. (I encourage you to read about Ann Hutchinson, the self-certain, schismatic "spiritual advisor" to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Hutchinson)
Many -- probably most -- of your descendants will disregard the doctrinal niceties that you value so highly.
I wonder if you will look down from the parapets of heaven, feeling justified by their perpetual barbecue.
In another generation or two, I see your descendants lumping Paul IV and Innocent III -- and all the rest -- in the same "pontifical bundle" as Pope Francis.
In that indiscriminate bundle, all popes will be fair game for criticism regardless your rapidly decaying pretense of "infallibility."
"One of the most disturbing facts that came out in the [Adolf] Eichmann trial was that a psychiatrist examined him and pronounced him perfectly sane. I do not doubt it at all, and that is precisely why I find it disturbing. . . The sanity of Eichmann is disturbing. We equate sanity with a sense of justice, with humaneness, with prudence, with the capacity to love and understand other people. We rely on the sane people of the world to preserve it from barbarism, madness, destruction. And now it begins to dawn on us that it is precisely the sane ones who are the most dangerous. It is the sane ones, the well-adapted ones, who can without qualms and without nausea aim the missiles and press the buttons that will initiate the great festival of destruction that they, the sane ones, have prepared. What makes us so sure, after all, that the danger comes from a psychotic getting into a position to fire the first shot in a nuclear war? Psychotics will be suspect. The sane ones will keep them far from the button. No one suspects the sane, and the sane ones will have perfectly good reasons, logical, well-adjusted reasons, for firing the shot. They will be obeying sane orders that have come sanely down the chain of command. And because of their sanity they will have no qualms at all. When the missiles take off, then, it will be no mistake." Thomas Merton. "A Devout Meditation in Memory of Adolf Eichmann" in Raids on the Unspeakable. New York: New Directions Publishing Co., 1964
In the end, Yeshua, the observant Jew, did not come for "the saved."
He came for "the lost."
Given your unbending sense of "salvation assurance" (and consequent need that anyone who is not unbending be made aware of their imminent damnation) it seems that Jesus did not come for you. (Please google "Salvation Assurance" to glimpse the intense emotion and bedrock angst that surrounds the implacable need - most keenly evident in Christianity and Islam - to know that one is "Saved!")
Except for the Church's faith-based (and largely tautological) justification of infallibility (which was the immediate cause of Lord Acton's famous dictum on the corrupting influence of power, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dalberg-Acton,_1st_Baron_Acton#Religion_and_writings) many questions concerning Vatican motives make more sense than your ever multiplying conspiracy theories.
At minimum, you might rightly acknowledge that many of these critics are kindred spirits determined to reveal truths that deviate from The Official Story.
Faith aside, intellectual honesty requires frank admission that you -- and other bright, studious people -- marshal the evidence to reach widely divergent conclusions, any of which -- for all we know -- may be better approximations of Truth than others. (In recent months your own blog is full of conflicting opinions concerning Donald Trump, whom you admirably condemn.)
You wrap yourself in the mantle of "settled orthodoxy" whilst your own analysis of The Body Politic makes you increasingly heterodox.
Make no mistake, the Church is deeply immersed in The Body Politic and is therefore fair game for all those who use your own investigative style - only to different ends.
At minimum, you might rightly acknowledge that many of these critics are kindred spirits determined to reveal truths that deviate from The Official Story.
Faith aside, intellectual honesty requires frank admission that you -- and other bright, studious people -- marshal the evidence to reach widely divergent conclusions, any of which -- for all we know -- may be better approximations of Truth than others. (In recent months your own blog is full of conflicting opinions concerning Donald Trump, whom you admirably condemn.)
You wrap yourself in the mantle of "settled orthodoxy" whilst your own analysis of The Body Politic makes you increasingly heterodox.
Make no mistake, the Church is deeply immersed in The Body Politic and is therefore fair game for all those who use your own investigative style - only to different ends.
That said, a fundamental "conservative" error undergirds your broken epistemology, to wit: discovering "evidence" that seems to contradict The Official Story does not automatically validate de novo assertions of any particular "New Story." Indeed, your ongoing effort to replace garden variety secular truths with conspiracy theories is very labored, at times wincingly so. (An aside... Let us not forget that it was the secular press that brought priestly pederasty to light while every diocesan newspaper in the world simply ignored the rape-sodomization of our children.)
Are you really confident God will welcome you at the Pearly Gates with praise for your "good work on Sandy Hook?"
Were I in your position, I would not bet the farm.
"Authority has simply been abused too long in the Catholic church, and for many people it just becomes utterly stupid and intolerable to have to put up with the kind of jackassing around that is imposed in God's name. It is an insult to God himself and in the end it can only discredit all idea of authority and obedience. There comes a point where they simply forfeit the right to be listened to." Thomas Merton in a letter to W. H. Ferry, dated January 19, 1967, 23 months before Merton's death
At bottom, an attack on "designated authority" is an attack on authority even if you choose to paint putative authority as non-authoritative.
Inescapably, our "medium is our most important message" and your medium of attacking all designated authority -- church and state -- is "what" your children and descendants are likely to learn from your ceaseless drive to impugn whatever authority does not coincide with your own authoritarianism.
Context is always more important than content.
Make no mistake. I am not saying your bedrock matrix of iconoclastic criticism is a bad thing.
I am saying that you are undermining the likelihood that your descendants will believe in traditional Catholicism.
On an existential level deeper than any particular dogma or doctrine you will have persuaded your descendants that authority can be attacked because you have normalized attack.
Although you carefully reference Pope Paul IV and Pope Innocent III, your core mission is to pontificate with greater certainty than the pontiff himself. (I encourage you to read about Ann Hutchinson, the self-certain, schismatic "spiritual advisor" to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Hutchinson)
On an existential level deeper than any particular dogma or doctrine you will have persuaded your descendants that authority can be attacked because you have normalized attack.
Although you carefully reference Pope Paul IV and Pope Innocent III, your core mission is to pontificate with greater certainty than the pontiff himself. (I encourage you to read about Ann Hutchinson, the self-certain, schismatic "spiritual advisor" to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Hutchinson)
Many -- probably most -- of your descendants will disregard the doctrinal niceties that you value so highly.
I wonder if you will look down from the parapets of heaven, feeling justified by their perpetual barbecue.
I wonder if you will look down from the parapets of heaven, feeling justified by their perpetual barbecue.
In another generation or two, I see your descendants lumping Paul IV and Innocent III -- and all the rest -- in the same "pontifical bundle" as Pope Francis.
In that indiscriminate bundle, all popes will be fair game for criticism regardless your rapidly decaying pretense of "infallibility."
In that indiscriminate bundle, all popes will be fair game for criticism regardless your rapidly decaying pretense of "infallibility."
"One of the most disturbing facts that came out in the [Adolf] Eichmann trial was that a psychiatrist examined him and pronounced him perfectly sane. I do not doubt it at all, and that is precisely why I find it disturbing. . . The sanity of Eichmann is disturbing. We equate sanity with a sense of justice, with humaneness, with prudence, with the capacity to love and understand other people. We rely on the sane people of the world to preserve it from barbarism, madness, destruction. And now it begins to dawn on us that it is precisely the sane ones who are the most dangerous. It is the sane ones, the well-adapted ones, who can without qualms and without nausea aim the missiles and press the buttons that will initiate the great festival of destruction that they, the sane ones, have prepared. What makes us so sure, after all, that the danger comes from a psychotic getting into a position to fire the first shot in a nuclear war? Psychotics will be suspect. The sane ones will keep them far from the button. No one suspects the sane, and the sane ones will have perfectly good reasons, logical, well-adjusted reasons, for firing the shot. They will be obeying sane orders that have come sanely down the chain of command. And because of their sanity they will have no qualms at all. When the missiles take off, then, it will be no mistake." Thomas Merton. "A Devout Meditation in Memory of Adolf Eichmann" in Raids on the Unspeakable. New York: New Directions Publishing Co., 1964
In the end, Yeshua, the observant Jew, did not come for "the saved."
He came for "the lost."
Given your unbending sense of "salvation assurance" (and consequent need that anyone who is not unbending be made aware of their imminent damnation) it seems that Jesus did not come for you. (Please google "Salvation Assurance" to glimpse the intense emotion and bedrock angst that surrounds the implacable need - most keenly evident in Christianity and Islam - to know that one is "Saved!")
Pope Francis: There Are Two Ways Of Having Faith: We Can Fear To Lose The Saved," Or...
Christians And "Christians" Choose Between Mercy, Love And Forgiveness, Or Retribution And Punishment
Pope Francis: There Are Two Ways Of Having Faith: We Can Fear To Lose The Saved," Or...
Christians And "Christians" Choose Between Mercy, Love And Forgiveness, Or Retribution And Punishment
Christians And "Christians" Choose Between Mercy, Love And Forgiveness, Or Retribution And Punishment
"Frog Hospital" And "Pax On Both Houses" Discuss Digging Holes, Blame, Punishment And Mercy
"Frog Hospital" And "Pax On Both Houses" Discuss Digging Holes, Blame, Punishment And Mercy


"The Thinking Housewife" Almost Never Mentions Love, Compassion, Mercy Or Forgiveness
"The Thinking Housewife" Almost Never Mentions Love, Compassion, Mercy Or Forgiveness
Recently, you dedicated a blog post to "mercy," illustrating it with Thomas Aquinas' famous observation:
I direct your attention to Aquinas' contextualized quotation: "Mercy does not destroy justice, but it is a certain kind of fulfillment of justice, mercy without justice is the mother of dissolution and justice without mercy is cruelty." (Again... there are partisan truths, and then there are meta-level, contextualized Truths: the latter always more important than the former.)
An example of "justice enhanced by mercy" is Jean Valjean letting Javert escape at the barricades.
I presume (without knowing) that you warm to that part of Aquinas' quotation that reads "mercy without justice being the mother of dissolution."
But whether or not my presumption is true, it is certainly the case that mercy without justice only begins the (reversible) process of dissolution (from the Latin word for the slow process of dissolving) whereas "justice without mercy" is always and essentially cruel right now.
As the Epistle of James says "Mercy triumphs over justice" --- just as Portia is "lord" of Shylock. (You can resort to Old Testament scripture to refute the Epistle of James but you won't find any words of Jesus indicating - or even hinting - that punitive justice triumphs over mercy. By my lights, punitive Christians would feel more at home living as Old Testamental Jews than followers of The Way as set forth by Jesus himself.)
By beginning his observation with the phrase "mercy does not destroy justice," Aquinas - right from the get-go - draws our attention away from any presumption that strict, unbending justice is necessary and concludes by saying that strict unbending justice without mercy is, the very instant it is enacted, cruelty, a word whose Latin and French roots mean "rough, raw, bloody, unfeeling, hard-hearted."
In Aquinas' passage on mercy, he adumbrates Shylock's "pound of flesh" --- fully justified and quintessentially cruel --- whereby a good man's life blood would be spilled for monstrosity masquerading as justice.
Aquinas' contextualized truth about the primary role of mercy is a far cry from any moral risk that "acts of mercy without justice" will dissolve justice. (I continually marvel at conservatism's diehard determination to fragment truth, thus enabling selection of those atomized "shards" that lend themselves to bolstering strained arguments. Notably, "the quality of mercy is not strained...")
When -- in the minds of conservative Christians -- did "we" completely dissolve justice?
ISIS has dissolved justice.
"We" - like constituents of all polities - have compromised justice. "We" do it all the time - and more often with dark-skinned people than privileged whites like us.
When we blend "economic justice" in the mix, Christian conservatives --- hard-nosed, hard-hearted, stiff-necked, uncharitable people --- are emphatically opposed to spreading the wealth to insure that everyone lead a dignified life on the material plane.
I wonder...
Are Christian conservatives more upset by Pope Francis' call for charity-with-economic-justice? Or by his call for mercy?
Clearly, both qualities represent existential threat.
Furthermore, any issue concerning justice begs essential questions about the relationship between justice and punishment.
It is increasingly clear to many -- I suspect to many of your own readers, perhaps to yourself -- that humankind's age old belief in punishment -- particularly corporal punishment of children (see Deuteronomy 21:18-21 -- https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy+21:18-21 -- is not only wrong, but more importantly counterproductive if, indeed, the goal of punishment is reformation or metanoia.
Punishment Rarely Reforms But Instead Tends To Reinforce Wrongdoing
Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Miscarriage Of Justice And Misplaced Punishment
"The Deadly Oppression Of Black People: Best Pax Posts"
Recently, you dedicated a blog post to "mercy," illustrating it with Thomas Aquinas' famous observation:

I direct your attention to Aquinas' contextualized quotation: "Mercy does not destroy justice, but it is a certain kind of fulfillment of justice, mercy without justice is the mother of dissolution and justice without mercy is cruelty." (Again... there are partisan truths, and then there are meta-level, contextualized Truths: the latter always more important than the former.)
An example of "justice enhanced by mercy" is Jean Valjean letting Javert escape at the barricades.
I presume (without knowing) that you warm to that part of Aquinas' quotation that reads "mercy without justice being the mother of dissolution."
But whether or not my presumption is true, it is certainly the case that mercy without justice only begins the (reversible) process of dissolution (from the Latin word for the slow process of dissolving) whereas "justice without mercy" is always and essentially cruel right now.
As the Epistle of James says "Mercy triumphs over justice" --- just as Portia is "lord" of Shylock. (You can resort to Old Testament scripture to refute the Epistle of James but you won't find any words of Jesus indicating - or even hinting - that punitive justice triumphs over mercy. By my lights, punitive Christians would feel more at home living as Old Testamental Jews than followers of The Way as set forth by Jesus himself.)
But whether or not my presumption is true, it is certainly the case that mercy without justice only begins the (reversible) process of dissolution (from the Latin word for the slow process of dissolving) whereas "justice without mercy" is always and essentially cruel right now.
As the Epistle of James says "Mercy triumphs over justice" --- just as Portia is "lord" of Shylock. (You can resort to Old Testament scripture to refute the Epistle of James but you won't find any words of Jesus indicating - or even hinting - that punitive justice triumphs over mercy. By my lights, punitive Christians would feel more at home living as Old Testamental Jews than followers of The Way as set forth by Jesus himself.)
By beginning his observation with the phrase "mercy does not destroy justice," Aquinas - right from the get-go - draws our attention away from any presumption that strict, unbending justice is necessary and concludes by saying that strict unbending justice without mercy is, the very instant it is enacted, cruelty, a word whose Latin and French roots mean "rough, raw, bloody, unfeeling, hard-hearted."
In Aquinas' passage on mercy, he adumbrates Shylock's "pound of flesh" --- fully justified and quintessentially cruel --- whereby a good man's life blood would be spilled for monstrosity masquerading as justice.
In Aquinas' passage on mercy, he adumbrates Shylock's "pound of flesh" --- fully justified and quintessentially cruel --- whereby a good man's life blood would be spilled for monstrosity masquerading as justice.
Aquinas' contextualized truth about the primary role of mercy is a far cry from any moral risk that "acts of mercy without justice" will dissolve justice. (I continually marvel at conservatism's diehard determination to fragment truth, thus enabling selection of those atomized "shards" that lend themselves to bolstering strained arguments. Notably, "the quality of mercy is not strained...")
When -- in the minds of conservative Christians -- did "we" completely dissolve justice?
ISIS has dissolved justice.
"We" - like constituents of all polities - have compromised justice. "We" do it all the time - and more often with dark-skinned people than privileged whites like us.
ISIS has dissolved justice.
"We" - like constituents of all polities - have compromised justice. "We" do it all the time - and more often with dark-skinned people than privileged whites like us.
When we blend "economic justice" in the mix, Christian conservatives --- hard-nosed, hard-hearted, stiff-necked, uncharitable people --- are emphatically opposed to spreading the wealth to insure that everyone lead a dignified life on the material plane.
I wonder...
Are Christian conservatives more upset by Pope Francis' call for charity-with-economic-justice? Or by his call for mercy?
Clearly, both qualities represent existential threat.
I wonder...
Are Christian conservatives more upset by Pope Francis' call for charity-with-economic-justice? Or by his call for mercy?
Clearly, both qualities represent existential threat.

Furthermore, any issue concerning justice begs essential questions about the relationship between justice and punishment.
It is increasingly clear to many -- I suspect to many of your own readers, perhaps to yourself -- that humankind's age old belief in punishment -- particularly corporal punishment of children (see Deuteronomy 21:18-21 -- https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy+21:18-21 -- is not only wrong, but more importantly counterproductive if, indeed, the goal of punishment is reformation or metanoia.
Punishment Rarely Reforms But Instead Tends To Reinforce Wrongdoing
Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Miscarriage Of Justice And Misplaced Punishment
"The Deadly Oppression Of Black People: Best Pax Posts"
The Age-Old Normalization Of Warfare Through Stupidity, Ego And Religion
Behind your talk of mercy and justice, I see the unshakable conviction that mercy should be meted out only when people have already earned it.
In the depths of the conservative mind, there is no such thing as a free lunch: the very thought is anathema.
This radical reversal of mercy's gracious intent is an essentially unmerciful, uncharitable outlook whose core purpose is to justify a predictably conservative view of salvation just as some people only "feel good" about themselves by "kicking the dog" or otherwise ensuring that those who are lower-on-the-totem-pole "stay put."
In the monarchical view of things, there is no room for "uppitiness." You claim to value The Constitution and The Bill of Rights even though your principles declare democracy itself "Satanic rebellion against God."
If my surmise is correct, your world view -- indeed, the cornerstone of your faith -- depends on "justice" that is essentially punitive, a view of justice that relies on the Church's ill-advised attempt to terrorize people with the threat of eternal immersion in a Lake of Unquenchable Fire.
For biblical exegetes who value rich contextualization, it is clear that sacred scripture -- always a collective enterprise -- harbors all the competing "bipartisan" views that characterize The Human Condition so that each of us must discriminate "which" of these many contradictory views is closer to The Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Christians And "Christians" Must Choose Mercy, Love & Forgiveness,
Or Retribution, Retaliation And Punishment
Behind your talk of mercy and justice, I see the unshakable conviction that mercy should be meted out only when people have already earned it.
In the depths of the conservative mind, there is no such thing as a free lunch: the very thought is anathema.
In the depths of the conservative mind, there is no such thing as a free lunch: the very thought is anathema.
This radical reversal of mercy's gracious intent is an essentially unmerciful, uncharitable outlook whose core purpose is to justify a predictably conservative view of salvation just as some people only "feel good" about themselves by "kicking the dog" or otherwise ensuring that those who are lower-on-the-totem-pole "stay put."
In the monarchical view of things, there is no room for "uppitiness." You claim to value The Constitution and The Bill of Rights even though your principles declare democracy itself "Satanic rebellion against God."
In the monarchical view of things, there is no room for "uppitiness." You claim to value The Constitution and The Bill of Rights even though your principles declare democracy itself "Satanic rebellion against God."
If my surmise is correct, your world view -- indeed, the cornerstone of your faith -- depends on "justice" that is essentially punitive, a view of justice that relies on the Church's ill-advised attempt to terrorize people with the threat of eternal immersion in a Lake of Unquenchable Fire.
For biblical exegetes who value rich contextualization, it is clear that sacred scripture -- always a collective enterprise -- harbors all the competing "bipartisan" views that characterize The Human Condition so that each of us must discriminate "which" of these many contradictory views is closer to The Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Christians And "Christians" Must Choose Mercy, Love & Forgiveness,
Or Retribution, Retaliation And Punishment
Time For Catholicism To "Shelve" Traditions And Texts That Represent God As A Terrorist
Christianity's Bedrock Commitment To Torture: Remaking "The Faithful" In God's Image
Christianity's Bedrock Commitment To Torture: Remaking "The Faithful" In God's Image
Americans, Especially Catholics, Approve Of Inquisitorial Torture
The United States Is A Singularly Cruel, Vengeful Nation. Solitary Confinement For Kids
The United States Is A Singularly Cruel, Vengeful Nation. Solitary Confinement For Kids
George Will: "The Torture Of Solitary Confinement"

GK Chesterton's Universalism
Conservative Christians Delight In The Punishment And Pain Of Others
Often, Stinginess And Cruelty Are Christianity's Paradoxical Effects

Conservative Christians Delight In The Punishment And Pain Of Others
Often, Stinginess And Cruelty Are Christianity's Paradoxical Effects
I would love to be proven wrong but I see you so deeply immersed in the "justice" model of "punishment for punishment's sake" -- rather than "penitentiary separation for reformation's sake" -- that I cannot imagine you trying to argue otherwise.
Which Do You Value More? Mercy? Or Justice?
"Trial By Ordeal: The Bloody Old Testamental Roots Of Modern Justice"
"Trial By Ordeal: Alive And Well Into The 17th Century"
I would love to be proven wrong but I see you so deeply immersed in the "justice" model of "punishment for punishment's sake" -- rather than "penitentiary separation for reformation's sake" -- that I cannot imagine you trying to argue otherwise.
Which Do You Value More? Mercy? Or Justice?
"Trial By Ordeal: The Bloody Old Testamental Roots Of Modern Justice"
"Trial By Ordeal: Alive And Well Into The 17th Century"
Clearly you do not have to change.
You are welcome to remain in your current matrix.
But it would be spiritually beneficial for you (your followers and your descendants) to realize that your way is not provably The Only Way.
You subscribe to acts of faith which are just that.
Convinced that your acts of faith are universally true, you feel compelled to impose your belief -- or at least the standards that undergird it -- upon everyone.
Clearly you do not have to change.
You are welcome to remain in your current matrix.
You are welcome to remain in your current matrix.
But it would be spiritually beneficial for you (your followers and your descendants) to realize that your way is not provably The Only Way.
You subscribe to acts of faith which are just that.
Convinced that your acts of faith are universally true, you feel compelled to impose your belief -- or at least the standards that undergird it -- upon everyone.
"The terrible thing about our time is precisely the ease with which theories can be put into practice. The more perfect, the more idealistic the theories, the more dreadful is their realization. We are at last beginning to rediscover what perhaps men knew better in very ancient times, in primitive times before utopias were thought of: that liberty is bound up with imperfection, and that limitations, imperfections, errors are not only unavoidable but also salutary. The best is not the ideal. Where what is theoretically best is imposed on everyone as the norm, then there is no longer any room even to be good. The best, imposed as a norm, becomes evil.”
"Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander,” by Trappist monk, Father Thomas Merton
More Merton Quotes
"The terrible thing about our time is precisely the ease with which theories can be put into practice. The more perfect, the more idealistic the theories, the more dreadful is their realization. We are at last beginning to rediscover what perhaps men knew better in very ancient times, in primitive times before utopias were thought of: that liberty is bound up with imperfection, and that limitations, imperfections, errors are not only unavoidable but also salutary. The best is not the ideal. Where what is theoretically best is imposed on everyone as the norm, then there is no longer any room even to be good. The best, imposed as a norm, becomes evil.”
"Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander,” by Trappist monk, Father Thomas Merton
More Merton Quotes
Devout Catholic, Blaise Pascal

"You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out God hates all the same people you do."
Tom Weston S. J.
"Charity is the soul of faith, it gives it life; without love, faith dies."
St. Anthony of Padua
"You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out God hates all the same people you do."
Tom Weston S. J.
"Charity is the soul of faith, it gives it life; without love, faith dies."
St. Anthony of Padua

Your image of God is more the construct of popes and clerics than the vocalized teaching of Yeshua himself.
Here's what Jesus had to say about the human traditions of "Our Great Leaders Who Lived Long Ago."
Here's what Jesus had to say about the human traditions of "Our Great Leaders Who Lived Long Ago."
Jesus Rails Against The "Human Traditions" Of "Our Great Leaders Who Lived Long Ago"
And if you argue that early traditions of the church were vouchsafed by The Holy Spirit, then the election of the sedevacantist popes must be similarly guaranteed.
I'm sure the linguine logic of contortionist theology will get you out of this jam.
But the merest modicum of intellectual rigor -- or the smallest dollop of Christian faith for that matter -- tells us we can't have one without the other.
Furthermore, it is always tonic to recall that gospel accounts of the apostles regularly represent them as dunces. Peter himself denyied Jesus three times - after swearing he never would -- just hours after after offering his assurance.
Apparently the first pope was also the first traitor, doing nothing to stand in the way of the messiah's ignominious death.
The Gospels With The Words Of Jesus In Red
Jesus Walks Back Comments On Poor
Everything Jesus And The Apostles Had To Say About "The Rich" And "The Poor"
Jesus Rails Against The "Human Traditions" Of "Our Great Leaders Who Lived Long Ago"
And if you argue that early traditions of the church were vouchsafed by The Holy Spirit, then the election of the sedevacantist popes must be similarly guaranteed.
I'm sure the linguine logic of contortionist theology will get you out of this jam.
But the merest modicum of intellectual rigor -- or the smallest dollop of Christian faith for that matter -- tells us we can't have one without the other.
But the merest modicum of intellectual rigor -- or the smallest dollop of Christian faith for that matter -- tells us we can't have one without the other.
Furthermore, it is always tonic to recall that gospel accounts of the apostles regularly represent them as dunces. Peter himself denyied Jesus three times - after swearing he never would -- just hours after after offering his assurance.
The Gospels With The Words Of Jesus In Red
Jesus Walks Back Comments On Poor
Everything Jesus And The Apostles Had To Say About "The Rich" And "The Poor"
The Right's Made-Up God: How Bigots Invented A White Supremacist Jesus
"The Thinking Housewife's Passion For Pope Paul IV Who Initiated Jewish Ghettos"
"The Thinking Housewife's Passion For Pope Paul IV Who Initiated Jewish Ghettos"
"Any Religion That Needs Fear To Thrive Is Bad Religion"
"Bad Religion: A Compendium"
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
1 John 4:18
"Any Religion That Needs Fear To Thrive Is Bad Religion"
"Bad Religion: A Compendium"
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2014/04/bad- religion-compendium.html
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."1 John 4:18
"The Idea Of Christ Is Much Older Than Christianity"
"The Soul Is By Nature Christian"
"The Idea Of Christ Is Much Older Than Christianity"
"The Soul Is By Nature Christian"
The Last Time Christians Had Balls They Believed In Martyrdom
Why Are Christians So Judgmental?
Doesn't The Bible Say "Do Not Judge."
The Last Time Christians Had Balls They Believed In Martyrdom
Why Are Christians So Judgmental?
Doesn't The Bible Say "Do Not Judge."
Doesn't The Bible Say "Do Not Judge."
Yeshua Excoriates Fellow Pharisees: "The Woe Passages"
Yeshua Excoriates Fellow Pharisees: "The Woe Passages"
"Twelve Steps For The Recovering Pharisee (Like Me)" By John Fischer
"Love Your Enemies. Do Good To Those Who Hate You," Luke 6: 27-42
"Do You Know What You're Doing To Me?"
Jesus of Nazareth
"Love Your Enemies. Do Good To Those Who Hate You," Luke 6: 27-42
Jesus of Nazareth
"The Idea Of Christ Is Much Older Than Christianity"
"The Soul Is By Nature Christian"
"The Idea Of Christ Is Much Older Than Christianity"
"The Soul Is By Nature Christian"
Abraham And Yahweh Discuss The Pending Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah
Bible Gives Two Accounts Of "Sin."
The One You Favor Reveals You
To conclude...
Conservatives refuse to accept truths revealed by statistical probability, preferring anecdotes and "one-in-a-million-exceptions" to mathematically demonstrated "rules."
Since there is always a "one in a million chance" -- not to mention numerous exceptions to nearly every rule... e.g., St. Joseph of Cupertino's well-documented levitation seems to contradict The Law of Gravity -- it is "sort of" true that when a "one in a million number" does "come up," the "ticket holder" gets to say: "See, I told you so!"
And so, American conservatives -- both sacred and secular -- have devolved into fractious factions of (mostly) ignorant, poorly-educated people who elevate vanishingly remote "exceptions" to the status of "New Rules."
Aggressive Ignorance: America's National Pastime
Never mind that 98% of climate scientists assert the reality of anthropogenic global warming.
Never mind that the overwhelming majority of people believe that the slaughter of innocents at Sandy Hook actually took place and was not stagecraft performed by a Homeland Security theater group.
"Authority has simply been abused too long in the Catholic church, and for many people it just becomes utterly stupid and intolerable to have to put up with the kind of jackassing around that is imposed in God's name. It is an insult to God himself and in the end it can only discredit all idea of authority and obedience. There comes a point where they simply forfeit the right to be listened to." Thomas Merton in a letter to W. H. Ferry. Dated January 19, 1967, 23 months before Merton's death
Jesus: Festive Tippler And Friend Of Whores, Publicans, Tax Collectors And Sundry Sinners
Abraham And Yahweh Discuss The Pending Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah
Bible Gives Two Accounts Of "Sin."
The One You Favor Reveals You
The One You Favor Reveals You
To conclude...
Conservatives refuse to accept truths revealed by statistical probability, preferring anecdotes and "one-in-a-million-exceptions" to mathematically demonstrated "rules."
Conservatives refuse to accept truths revealed by statistical probability, preferring anecdotes and "one-in-a-million-exceptions" to mathematically demonstrated "rules."
Since there is always a "one in a million chance" -- not to mention numerous exceptions to nearly every rule... e.g., St. Joseph of Cupertino's well-documented levitation seems to contradict The Law of Gravity -- it is "sort of" true that when a "one in a million number" does "come up," the "ticket holder" gets to say: "See, I told you so!"
And so, American conservatives -- both sacred and secular -- have devolved into fractious factions of (mostly) ignorant, poorly-educated people who elevate vanishingly remote "exceptions" to the status of "New Rules."
Aggressive Ignorance: America's National Pastime
Never mind that 98% of climate scientists assert the reality of anthropogenic global warming.
Never mind that the overwhelming majority of people believe that the slaughter of innocents at Sandy Hook actually took place and was not stagecraft performed by a Homeland Security theater group.
"Authority has simply been abused too long in the Catholic church, and for many people it just becomes utterly stupid and intolerable to have to put up with the kind of jackassing around that is imposed in God's name. It is an insult to God himself and in the end it can only discredit all idea of authority and obedience. There comes a point where they simply forfeit the right to be listened to." Thomas Merton in a letter to W. H. Ferry. Dated January 19, 1967, 23 months before Merton's death
Jesus: Festive Tippler And Friend Of Whores, Publicans, Tax Collectors And Sundry Sinners
Ebola Represents A Trivial Threat To Americans' Health
"Shark Attacks Rise Worldwide: Risk Assessment and Aquinas' Criteria For Sin"
"Faulty Risk Assessment And The Epidemic Spread Of Self-Terrorization
Ebola Presents A Trivial Threat To Americans' Health
Ebola Presents A Trivial Threat To Americans' Health
Jenny McCarthy: Poster Girl For Self-Terrorization
"Brazen Lies About Obama"
"Obama Hatred"
"The United States Of Homosexual Imperialism," By Laura Wood, "The Thinking Housewife"
"Thomas Aquinas On American Conservatives' Continual Commission Of Sin"
"Is Perfectionism A Curse? Paul Ryan Tells The Truth"

"Brazen Lies About Obama"
"Obama Hatred"
"The United States Of Homosexual Imperialism," By Laura Wood, "The Thinking Housewife"
"Thomas Aquinas On American Conservatives' Continual Commission Of Sin"
"Is Perfectionism A Curse? Paul Ryan Tells The Truth"
"Is Perfectionism A Curse? Paul Ryan Tells The Truth"
"Shark Attacks Rise Worldwide: Risk Assessment and Aquinas' Criteria For Sin"
"Shark Attacks Rise Worldwide: Risk Assessment and Aquinas' Criteria For Sin"
"Faulty Risk Assessment And The Epidemic Spread Of Self-Terrorization
"The Death Of Epistemology"
What Second Amendment Evangelists Fail To Understand About Their Opposition

What Second Amendment Evangelists Fail To Understand About Their Opposition

"Plutocracy Triumphant"
Cartoon Compendium
"People Who Watch Only Fox News
Know Less Than People Who Watch No News"
"Plutocracy Triumphant"
Cartoon Compendium
"People Who Watch Only Fox News
Know Less Than People Who Watch No News"

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