
Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Thinking Housewife: "Ten Ways to Spot a False Flag Shooting"

Alan: Even to an untrained eye, the lack of proportion in the above Obama photo reveals photoshopping.

"The Thinking Housewife Plunges Into The Abyss Of Conspiratorial Thinking"

Dear Fred,

How can sane people talk about "central casting" sending "actor cops" and "actor family members" to far-flung corners of the country to "stage" "mass murders"?!? 

No penny ante American actor would -- or for that matter could -- keep his mouth shut if given opportunity to "spill dem beans." 

All the actors I know would accept such work just to be able to spill the beans.

Imagine the fame, the talk show circuit, doors opening before the whistleblower who finally revealed Uncle Sam as Ted Bundy.

Despite their frequent mastery of grammar, Laura and her followers have no clue how to think.

"The Death Of Epistemolgy"

"Republicans For Revolution," A Study In Anarchic Apocalypticism

Pax tecum


Pigs on a nearby Sandy Hook farm.

Ten Ways to Spot a False Flag Shooting

October 4, 2015
JOE WRIGHT suggests some of the tell-tale signs of a hoax.
— Comments —-
Lydia Sherman writes:
This guy on this video link, Anthony Antonello, thinks it was a false flag, here in Oregon at the Umpqua Community college.  Another video I listened to made the observation that all these shootings occur in gun-free zones like airports, malls and schools.
I am beginning to think like a conspiracy nut.  I have gone over to the “other side” as they say :-). I ran across his video and was interested in what he had to say. Again, another very young man.  I am pleased that not all the public school and college kids are completely brainwashed by their education.  He says he has a formula for all these shootings:
“first the drill, then the kill, then pass the bill. “
He and a few others who have posted videos have noted that every time there is a shooting, the U.S. Attacks someone overseas or a bill to our detriment is passed behind our backs.They think  the shootings bring the headline up to the top and put other world events second place in the news so people won’t be thinking about it.
This young woman says she does not even need to know much about this shooting. All she needs to know is that it knocks the top story about what the government is doing, down to second place.
I watched some of other updates, and in one, Anthony expressed astonishment that one of the teachers apparently said they didn’t hear any gun shots and was concerned because the perpetrator might have been using an illegal silencer!   The author of the video said he thought it suspicious the person was worried that someone was using something illegal.
I get tired of that word, “illegal,” as well. It is a word so revered, even above the word “sin”. So we see who is trying to be God, and how he legislates morality by calling things legal or illegal.
Here is a comment I pasted from the comment section of one of the videos:
Everything was too neat. A perfect location for a drill. A quiet rural town behind the trees. The shooter fit the profile and was conveniently killed. Top this off with bad acting. It stinks. Let’s see some bodies and names of victims. Is there any footage of bodies being loaded into an ambulance at the school?
Are we to believe that Homeland Security is shrewd enough to stage the Sandy Hook massacre 
yet stupid enough to let a supposedly slaughtered child appear in a photo op with the president of the United States?

And still not a word about photoshopping.
Kev writes:
I agree with you that there is something fishy about all these “mass shootings” that the media has been reporting. The increasing frequency with which these events appear to be occurring in itself lends support to the theory that some of them, perhaps many of them, are red flags and the media is either culpable or too credulous in its coverage. Another sign that these are staged events is that the purported “shooter” is ALWAYS a young, white male who is invariably described as a “loner” and obsessed with guns — just the image the media and liberals want to project of the alleged assailant to support calls for abolishing the 2nd Amendment. I can’t yet tell whether the college shooting in Oregon is real or a hoax, but I expect it will become more evident in the days ahead. It looks authentic, but some of the “police” looked like the “police” that were at the questionable Connecticut school shooting — I wonder if there is there a casting agency that specializes in providing actors who can play law authority types and grieving family members — but then again it’s hard to tell because of the all the gear and covering they wear. The problem is that every time there is a staged event, it makes it that much more difficult to know when it really happens.
I’m glad for The Thinking Housewife to help me sort the lies from truth, and I increasingly depend upon your insight for light in a world that grows darker by the day.
Laura writes:
Thank you.
Whether these shootings are real or not, gun control is not the solution. The solution is for more people to arm themselves against bad guys.

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