Conservative alarmism is so extraordinary that the resulting lunacy
drives people to assume that their sub-clinical "hallucinations" are real.
Consider a political party whose constituents are convinced that "Anti-Christ Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim socialist, anti-American, job-killing quisling, whose goal is to surrender the United States to a One World Government headed by Arab sheikhs." American conservatives were also bamboozled into thinking the invasion of Iraq was a good idea, that four American dead in Benghazi is "The Scandal of The Millennium" and that the most important civic projects are political obstructionism and voter suppression.
"Conservatives Scare More Easily Than Liberals"
"Where's The Train Wreck?"
(In ten years, a decisive majority of Americans will be as protective of Obamacare as they are of Medicare and Social Security.)
"GOP Voter Suppression And Conservative Contempt For Democracy"
"American Conservatism and Oppositional-Defiant Disorder"
"Obama's Benghazi and Reagan's Beirut"
Wonkbook’s Number of the Day: $840 million. That's the GAO's new estimate for how much the initially troubled HealthCare.gov cost the government to build.
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