
Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Borowitz Report: McCain Calls For Serious Blame Game On Iraq

WASHINGTON — Citing the deteriorating situation in the war-torn nation, Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) on Saturday called for Congress to convene an emergency blame game on Iraq.
“This is a dire crisis,” McCain said. “It’s time to roll up our sleeves and do some serious finger-pointing.”
McCain said that he hoped Congress would act swiftly to assign blame to a long list of culprits he identified, including President Obama, the Joint Chiefs, the media, and everyone who did not vote for him in the 2008 election.
The Arizona senator stressed that the blame game must be “rigorous and far-reaching,” but said that it would exempt those in the Senate who voted to invade Iraq in 2003. “That’s ancient history,” he said.
Concluding his remarks, he offered these words of reassurance to the Iraqi people: “As long as I have breath, I will use it to find fault with others.”
Alan: If George Bush and Dick Cheney had not waged their Whimsy War on Iraq, thus undermining a stable country that was a staunch ally of Ronald Reagan -- a country with no WMD and no involvement in 9/11 -- the current ISIS crisis would not exist. 

ISIS' seizure of Mosul and Tikrit (Saddam Hussein's hometown) would have been inconceivable --- like The Tea Party winning the Oval Office, both houses of Congress and packing the Supreme Court with nine judges all named Antonin Scalia.  
The prospect of a 9/11-type terror strike launched on the United States from Iraq or Syrian soil would have been unthinkable except in the delusional minds of paranoid xenophobes whose constituency (spearheaded by Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bolton) was solely responsible for kicking every hornet's nest in the Islamic world, then wondering why blowback was biting them in the ass.
If tables were turned, Americans would have already launched terror attacks across the Middle East. For that matter, the entire Iraq War -- from inception onward -- has been an unrelenting exercise in state-sponsored terrorism perpetrated by Uncle Sam.
During the run-up to The Iraq War, everyone with an internet connection and a folded cortex was aware that the invasion was monstrously stupid -- and grotesquely unjust.  (Pope Benedict XVI declared the war unjust.
Remember "Shock and Awe?" Remember "The Power of Pride?" 
Who's shocked now? 
And what about the pride - which, predictably, came before the fall - and wasted all those lives? 
The dead, the maimed.
The Americans, the Iraqis?
 Since the Vietnam War, two lessons scream at us. 
"You don't get involved in somebody else's Civil War." 
"And you don't start them." 
When we forget either lesson, American soldiers come home in caskets having accomplished nothing. 
We owe our troops trustworthy guidance, not swashbuckle, bluster and simian chest-thumping.

Fear-driven Christians,  cheerleading the Apocaplypse,  are the most reprehensible actors in this whole sordid scenario.

They are America's Taliban.

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