The Quest for Perfection and the Demise of Creativity
(Most conservatives are threatened by the unpredictable irregularities of inspiration, even when it arises from The Ground of Being - perhaps especially when it arises from The Ground of Being.)
"Pope Accepts Martians, Not Catholics"
The Thinking Housewife
On the other hand, here is how Stephen Colbert -- a liberal Catholic Sunday School Teacher, the youngest of 11 children and father of 3 -- approaches the Pope's "Martian musing": "Stephen Colbert Isn't Too Sure About Pope Francis Welcoming Martians Into Heaven"
Stephen Colbert
Stephen Colbert
"Where's The Train Wreck?"
"If Canceled, Not Even 1% Will Pay More For Obamacare: Families USA Study"
The Thinking Housewife is right in predicting the eventual emergence of Single Payer Healthcare since single payer is the best way to economize on healthcare costs.
As a five year resident of Toronto -- and despite being an American citizen -- I was the direct beneficiary of Canada's high quality healthcare... at no cost.
"Canadian Healthcare Better Than The U.S."
Bloomberg News Service
It is "in the nature" of American "conservatism" to locate single exceptions to rules (or multiple exceptions to rules) and then -- in blinding bursts of speciousness -- to use such exceptions to establish New Rules.
Of course, this is not how the acquisition of scientific truth operates and The Thinking Housewife should know better than to propagate falsehood among her readers.
Lamentably, such intellectual ill repute is how The Republican Party, The Tea Party and The Libertarian Party operate.
The Democrats have their own maladies but perfectionism and deliberate misreprestentation of factual truth are not among them.
Democrats realize that the real world is a real muddle and that uncompromising insistence on the next Golden Age prevents us from accomplishing the good that is within our grasp.
As Trappist monk, Father Thomas Merton put it: "The best, imposed as a norm, becomes evil." http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2012/04/merton-best-imposed-as-norm-becomes.html
Contemporary conservatives mainline perfectionism whose seductive promise always morphs into practical debacle.
"Is Perfectionism A Curse? Paul Ryan Tells The Truth"
It is a matter of statistical fact that voter fraud in the United States is so infrequent that each proven case is less likely to occur than for an American citizen to be struck by lightning.
"GOP Voter Suppression and Conservative Contempt For Democracy"
The Un-Affordable Health Care Act
A READER writes:
I just got my notice to enroll for health care benefits from my employer, Aerotek. My weekly premium went from $29 a week to $116 a week. How do I afford a $6,000 annual health care bill when I only take home $24,000? It’s like I am being asked to pay for a second apartment but never live in it.
Laura writes:
I know someone who could only find coverage for a family of four for $2,600 a month and others who have seen their premiums increase by 800 percent. The whole thing is turning out as predicted. It’s going to implode and lead to a single payer system.
— Comments —
W. writes:
You wrote:
I know someone who could only find coverage for a family of four for $2,600 a month and others who have seen their premiums increase by 800 percent. The whole thing is turning out as predicted. It’s going to implode and lead to a single payer system.
And that is the purpose: free government health care for anyone within the geographical limits of the USA since “health care is a human right.” If you cannot pay then you get it free as a “human right.” If you can pay then Uncle Sam gets the IRS to tax you.
For a short period of time (five to ten years) Mexicans and other illegal aliens will continue to get free care under EMTALA, but eventually liberals will start talking about “the injustice of two ‘separate but (not so) equal’ health care systems.” They will argue: “Why should poor Americans get subsidized [read: “free”] medical care under Obamacare, but poor, hardworking Mexicans don’t. Why are Mexicans forced to use EMTALA for their free medical care?”
The illegals will then be added to Obamacare as subsidized [read: “free”] riders.
Of course the RINOs will engineer some legislative sop to parade before their voters saying something like “Only illegals who provide proof that they live and contribute to America can get on Obamacare.” But no one will ever check their forged documents to see if they truly are eligible.
Remember, you heard it here first!
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