
Monday, January 20, 2014

Obamacare: Where's The Train Wreck?

Obamacare: What Republicans predicted.

What Obamacare delivered.


"Bill Maher: The Zombie Life Cycle Of Republican Lies. They Never - Ever - Die"


"Republicans Finally Admit Why They Hate Obamacare"


"GOP's Anti-Medicaid Expansion Body Count, By State"


"Why Are Murderous GOP Governors Protected By The Press?"


"It's Impossible For Obamacare To Fail"


"Bill Maher: The Zombie Life Cycle Of Republican Lies. They Never - Ever - Die"


Contemporary conservatives injure The Body Politic.

Given their druthers, Americans suckled on Fox News would hastily retreat to the 12th century.

Well... okay... 

The 19th century.

(... with 12th century philosophical principles.)


"Where's The Train Wreck? 64% Of Americans Support Obamacare"

Alan: American "conservatives" are ever eager to pimp the fabricated freak-out du jour. Don't let them change the subject. Hold them to their assertion that "Obamacare Is A Train Wreck." Require them to take responsibility for their rhetoric. They claim to be "The Party of Personal Responsibility." Demand that they be responsible to truth, that they forsake their serial delusions. Don't let them proceed to the next "sacrificial virgin." Keep their feet to the fire! Insist they answer the question: "Where's the train wreck?" It is American conservatives who have run off the rails and it is their own wreck they hope to project on liberals. Conservatives will fabricate any damn thing.  Out of the blue. And whole cloth. 
"The Prince of Darkness" could not be more benighted. Republicans and their Tea Bag progeny are ideological fakes terrorizing the nation as surely as bin Laden. Then, when their most recent prediction goes belly up, they blithely devise their next deception.

Don't let them.

Insist that they answer the question:

"Where's the train wreck?"


Be relentless.

"Where's the train wreck?"

"Where's the train wreck?"


"Bill Maher: The Zombie Life Cycle Of Republican Lies. They Never - Ever - Die"

The train wreck is The Republican Party, intellectually derelict and philosophically putrescent.


"Obamacare And The Hard, Central Truth Of The Republican Party"


"Bill Maher: The Zombie Life Cycle Of Republican Lies. They Never - Ever - Die"

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