Pope John Paul II Annointing Close Counselor and Sex Felon, Father Marcial Maciel Degollado
(I am amused by the fiend's second surname, Degollado, which means "cut throat.")
(I am amused by the fiend's second surname, Degollado, which means "cut throat.")
Dear Fred,
Pope Francis has so shaken the church with his insistence on relationship-over-dogmatism -- and his genuflection before Muslim criminals to kiss their feet -- that the monopolist conservatives who, for decads, kidnapped the church have nowhere left to turn but Traditionalist Catholicism -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditionalist_Catholic
Traditionalist Catholocism is where they've belonged all along, not at the helm of St. Peter's Bark.
I'd much rather have up-front liberal leadership than the weirdos who infiltrate and subvert the core gospel message of love, mercy and forgiveness by acid attacks from the conservative bench.
Do you know a Mexican priest named Marcial Maciel whose far-right organization, The Legion of Christ, was tightly allied with John Paul II?
If not, you'll be fascinated - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marciel_Maciel
Basically, Maciel "bought his way" into a position of significant Vatican influence, simultaneously buying "self-protection." http://ncronline.org/news/accountability/money-paved-way-maciels-influence-vatican )
If not, you'll be fascinated - http://en.
Basically, Maciel "bought his way" into a position of significant Vatican influence, simultaneously buying "self-protection." http://
Alongside traditionalists like Maciel, we witness foaming-at-the-mouth conservative sects whose fascism recalls Third Reich anti-Semitism. http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/ideology/radical-traditional-catholicism
The shadow side of Catholic authority is perpetual fondness for fascism with its unthinking "oneness" mimicking mystical unity.
Mussolini, Franco, Pinochet, Peron... Nor is it completely accidental that Hitler was a cradle Catholic.
What child -- including the ones who "never grow up" -- does not want to be enfolded by the comforting arms of a father figure?
Not only will Daddy-Patriarch take care of you, he will even think for you - and he will do both better than you can do them yourself.
The following Borowitz Report is fun: "Scalia Forms Search Committee For New Pope"
To avoid squandering my energy "setting the record straight," I only visit The Thinking Housewife at wide intervals.
Please keep me posted on Laura's reaction to Pope Francis' America interview - and anything else she pens relating to the dogma of "traditionalist Catholicism."
The "Radical Traditionalist Catholic" Movement
It is astonishing -- a miracle-in-reverse -- that the kidnapping of the Catholic church by embittered, vengeful right-wing sectarians lasted for nearly 50 years - some would argue 1500 years.
Sure, everybody has "a place in the pew," but the arrogance with which conservatives have ruled the roost since their determination to trash Vatican II is only paralleled by the capture of The Republican Party by equally arrogant, dogmatic, vindictive sectarians.
The Republican Party -- or at least its Tea Party hijackers -- will be swept away by the same zeitgeist-tsunami now flooding the world through Pope Francis' radical enactment of The Good News.
Francis' just-published interview in America magazine is to pharisaic Catholicism what Edward R. Murrow was to Joe McCarthy when he took that Catholic fascist to the mat and finally pinned the sonofabitch.
Pax tecum
PS Essentially, Francis is committed to re-appropriating those elements of Aquinas' moral theology which see "disproportion" and "lack-of-perspective" as invariable characteristics of sin. For five decades, the Catholic Church and The Republican Party have devoted themselves to the decontextualization of Truth, presenting the remaining "shards" as absolutely non-negotiable, magma-hot red button issues. This unrelenting attack on proportion and perspective has relocated Catholic (and Republican) conservatives to new homes deep in The Bosom of Beelzebub, The Prince of Darkness.
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