Some Republicans who allegedly voted "for Obamacare" • AP
The knives are out
An enemies list is circulating on conservative sites. It doesn't contain Democratic names, as you might expect. Instead it's a list comprising over half of the Republicans in the Senate.
"The following 25 Republicans stood shoulder to shoulder with Senator Harry Reid and President Obama to fund ObamaCare," claims the Tea Party group Freedom Works, before providing a list of Republican senators.
The list contains the usual suspects - GOP senators who aren't Tea Partiers, many of whom have attracted the dreaded RINO label. It includes blue state Republicans like Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Mark Kirk (R-IL), and occasional bipartisans like John McCain and Lindsey Graham. It also includes the party's senate leader, Mitch McConnell.
The curious thing is that none of these senators actually voted "for" Obamacare. They voted for cloture, meaning that they voted to let the bill funding government to proceed to the next stage in the Senate, at which point Reid stripped out the "defund Obamacare" amendment. After that, all of the senators on the list voted against the bill - in other words, they voted against funding Obamacare.
Nonetheless, the list continues to circulate and has been shared on other conservative sites.
In another sign that the GOP rift is widening, House Republicans report that they are now taking orders from Ted Cruz rather than John Boehner. Apparently Cruz help a conference call with Tea Party House members in which he advised them to reject Boehner's proposals.
Meanwhile non-Tea Party Republicans still have the knives out for Cruz, and it's becoming more public than ever. Rep. Steven King (R-NY) appeared on CNN and called Cruz a "fraud," a "kamikaze pilot," and a "medicine man" selling "phony goods."
Via Freedom Works.
Do these 25 Republicans deserve targeting by conservatives?
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