
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How Losing Weight Could Help Save The U.S. Billions

Julie Wilcox

Forbes Magazine

How Losing Weight Could Help Save The U.S. Billions

Many Americans feel entitled to eat and overeat knowing that the reality of such behavior is grim not only for them but also the nation at large. According to “Fas in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future,” by The Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, if on average, every American loses about 10 pounds, we could minimize the cost of our health care by hundreds of billions of dollars.
Kirstie Alley Fat
Kirstie Alley
An obesity gene very well might be the problem for some, perhaps even many who suffer from being significantly overweight; it is unlikely however, that it is reason millions of Americans cannot find the discipline to lose approximately 10 pounds. Besides the economic gains for all Americans, what does the melt away of 10 pounds mean, exactly, for every individual? It would help to prevent the onset of tremendous health issues that no one would want or choose to have, including heart disease, diabetes, a stroke, high blood pressure, and arthritis. Additionally, it would save many children from similar afflictions. Life is difficult enough without self-inflicted pain; a little effort goes a long way.
In a few easy steps, everyone can begin the journey of weight loss.Unless Americans can nip the obesity epidemic in the butt, statistics of where the U.S. healthcare budget is headed, show that the future looks abysmal. Last year, The Lancet “estimated that if adult obesity rates continue on their current path, all 50 states could have rates above 44 percent by 2030. Thirty-nine states could have rates above 50 percent, and 13 states could have adult obesity rates over 60 percent. Though it is difficult to figure out much of what The Affordable Care Act has to offer, two programs are clear as expressed in “Most Americans May Be Obese by 2030, Report Warns.” One of Obama’s attempts to address the obesity epidemic is laid out by the Community Transformation Grants, one of the goals of which is to reduce BMI (Body Mass Index) by 5 percent (the 1o pound factor). The second is The Diabetes Prevention Program, which has illustrated that it is indeed possible to prevent the progression of pre-diabetes to diabetes.
~Don’t eat processed foods.
~ Shop for 2-3 days rather than for months at a time. Foods you can freeze and otherwise store are inherently unhealthy, and,  having too much food around you invites you to overheat.
~Understand and address the fact that the number of calories you take in determines whether or not you will gain, lose, or maintain weight. To lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you eat. Become knowledgeable about how many calories you consume and burn each day; read about how many calories you can burn during different kinds of exercise.
~Eat 3 meals and 1 snack a day. Do NOT graze.
~Eliminate all soda (even diet), juice, and artificial sweetener from your diet.
~Eat out less often and avoid any and all fast food.
~Eat off of smaller plates at home; use salad plates for main courses.

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