
Sunday, August 19, 2012

You expect me to believe a Vietnam coward?

Dear J,

You expect me to believe a Vietnam coward?

Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim socialist, anti-American, job-killing quisling, whose Anti-Christ goal is to strip Americans of their guns just before surrendering the United States to a One World Government headed by Arab sheiks.

For two years running, nearly 250 notable presidential historians ranked Obama #15 among American presidents, three slots ahead of Saint Ronald

I used to think Americans who accused Obama of "elitism" were miffed that a black man (who grew up on welfare) achieved such formidable intellectual and political accomplishment. 

I now think Americans who would trash the economy rather than risk Obama's re-election are know-nothing yahoos who, unbeknownst to themselves, promote the collapse of American civilization itself (which, to a large extent, depends on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid). 

As this campaign moves forward, Ryan and Romney will argue that they have NO INTENTION to alter a single iota of Medicare.

For the next ten years... 

Beyond this pragmatic manipulation of the "timeline," Ryan and Romney are prepared (in "unachievable theory") to overthrow Obamacare, thus eliminating the $700 billion dollar savings which The Affordable Care Act has already imposed on Medicare trough-feeders.


The Question is not Medicare's "next ten years." 

Indeed, for the next ten years, the GOP (for political advantage) would undertake another trillion in debt by nixing Obamacare in order to keep Medicare "pork sloppy." 

The Key Questions are these: "What are Romney-Ryan's eventual plans for Medicare?"  And, "What actual/factual cuts do they intend to make?

When these twin questions are answered, it will be clear that Romney and Ryan are proposing an end of Medicare "as we know it" at which time needy Americans (and we all know-and-love at least one of them) will lack sufficient resource to cover increased medical costs.

Conservatives will shoot back: "How do liberals intend to cut the cost of Medicare?" 

The answer is this. 

If the "free market" does not fully engage Obamacare's cost-cutting quest, government will necessarily move Medicare/Medicaid/VA in the direction of "single-payer care" predicated on "evidence-based medicine." As demonstrated throughout the developed world, this transition will lower the per-capita cost of care by nearly 50%.  

Ezra Klein, the smartest "reporter-wonk" in America, says Romney's budget is "mathematically impossible." 

Keep your finger on this critical pulse. Romney-Ryan will reach a point -- perhaps in "the televised debates" -- when they can no longer dodge questions concerning the actual cuts they will make. 

At that moment, R&R will need to "get out of dodge," or hope the citizenry is stupid enough to believe in "Impossibly Pure Principles" despite no real plan to back them up. 

Government by "Divine Intervention."

Reagan Budget Director, David Stockman (who oversaw the largest budget cut in the history of the world) says you can threaten Republicans with "penalty of death" and they will not be able to agree on 50 billion in cuts. "(Extending the Bush tax cuts is) rank demagoguery. We should call it for what it is. If these people were all put into a room on penalty of death to come up with how much they could cut, they couldn't come up with $50 billion, when the problem is $1.3 trillion. So, to stand before the public and rub raw this anti-tax sentiment, the Republican Party, as much as it pains me to say this, should be ashamed of themselves." 

Here is David Stockman on "Ryan's Fairy Tale Budget." 

Excerpt: "In short, Mr. Ryan’s plan is devoid of credible math or hard policy choices. And it couldn’t pass even if Republicans were to take the presidency and both houses of Congress. Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan have no plan to take on Wall Street, the Fed, the military-industrial complex, social insurance or the nation’s fiscal calamity and no plan to revive capitalist prosperity — just empty sermons."

Empty sermons from "The Party Of Empty Christians."

Pax vobiscum


Have you noticed that conservatives are finally acknowledging anthropogenic global warming?

Fox News: GOP presidential hopefuls shift on global warming

State of Alaska’s Current View Of Global Warming

Richard Muller, Global Warming Skeptic, Recants

Pentagon Ranks Global Warming As Destabilizing Force

On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 10:18 AM, john tarantino <> wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: John Kerry
To: JT
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2012 10:16 PM
Subject: Never assume

J --

It's easy to look at the attacks, smears, and lies being told about President Obama and his record and say, "Come on, that's ridiculous. No one could possibly believe that."

Trust me: You and I learned the hard way eight years ago this August that in the new world we're living in -- one with 24-hour news cycles, the internet, blogs, the echo chamber, and now the new Citizens United-fueled Republican money machine -- even completely baseless attacks can stick if people don't call them out quickly enough. No matter how self-evidently false the attacks are, or how disreputable the people telling them may be, there's no attack that can't take hold.

Seeing the new outrageous attacks made against President Obama from a shadowy Republican-allied veterans group called OPSEC, which take issue with the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, remind me all too well of the notorious "Swift Boat" attacks I faced in the 2004 campaign. I honor and appreciate the service of my fellow veterans, but a false attack is a false attack -- no matter who's making it.

It's not enough to wish them away or dismiss them because they come in part from "birthers" who still won't concede that President Obama was born here in the United States.

No, we need to get moving now -- before it's too late.

Take a look at this blog post that fact-checks these most recent smears, and  be sure to share it with others:
Throughout this campaign, Mitt Romney and his allies have shown that if the truth isn't favorable to them, they have no problem claiming the opposite -- and the reality is that President Obama has a foreign policy record that is among the strongest in recent memory.

In 2008, then-Senator Obama said he'd end the war in Iraq in a responsible way and refocus on taking out Al Qaeda's leaders.

You and I know he's followed through in a big way on both those promises.

In contrast, the Republicans have a candidate with absolutely no foreign policy experience, who thinks Russia is our "number one geopolitical foe" and who is advised by people who think -- and have repeatedly said -- the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia are countries that still exist. Romney's two major foreign policy speeches never even mentioned Al Qaeda once, and he's prone to stumbles when he steps onto the foreign policy stage. (He can't even manage to visit London without causing an international incident!)

Faced with all this, it shouldn't be a surprise that Romney and his allies are resorting to the same national security smear tactics I faced in 2004. We have to take it seriously. Join the Truth Team today, and forward this email to your friends and encourage them to join us as well:
Thanks for fighting back -- forewarned is forearmed!


Senator John Kerry

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