Alan: After seven years of non-stop whining -- capped by Trump's own assurance that he would "repeal and replace Obamacare with something terrific" -- the GOP healthcare proposal has emerged as the distillation of a shit slurry.
And so, "up against the wall" of his party's (and his own) promises, Trump has three choices.
He tries to push this shit through Congress.
Or, he fails to deliver on his promises.
Or, he works with Democrats to fix Obamacare without repealing it ... because he and his party were too inept to devise a healthcare plan that didn't reek of moral, political and economic putrescence.
Every one of Trump's choices is toxic - and likely lethal.
And so, "up against the wall" of his party's (and his own) promises, Trump has three choices.
He tries to push this shit through Congress.
Or, he fails to deliver on his promises.
Or, he works with Democrats to fix Obamacare without repealing it ... because he and his party were too inept to devise a healthcare plan that didn't reek of moral, political and economic putrescence.
Every one of Trump's choices is toxic - and likely lethal.
Hoisting himself on a second petard, Trump has also promised that his replacement plan would provide "better healthcare for (a lot) less money." http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2017/03/trump-obamacare-will-be-repealed-and.html
And pigs fly.
And EVERYONE will win the lottery.
But most remarkably, The Deplorables still believe Despicable Donald.
It isn't so much that these intellectually-indolent, ignorant people got suckered, but that they were ignorant enough to beg suckering.
The Cost Of Failure On Health Care Could Be The Rest Of Trump's Agenda
In Our Collapsing Civilization, Trump Shifts Away From "Insurance For Everybody"
Seth Meyers: The Republicans' Defenses Of Trumpcare Are "Embarrassing"

American Conservatives And Aggressive Ignorance
In Our Collapsing Civilization, Trump Shifts Away From "Insurance For Everybody"
Seth Meyers: The Republicans' Defenses Of Trumpcare Are "Embarrassing"
Here's why the Republican Party is intellectually and morally bankrupt:
George McGovern: "The Case For Liberalism, A Defense Of The Future Against The Past"

American Conservatives And Aggressive Ignorance
1. Rattled by CBO report, moderate Republicans turn against GOP bill, CNN, March 14, 2017
2. The GOP health plan is an act of class warfare by the rich against the poor, Vox, March 13, 2017
3. GOP Rep. Says Obamacare Repeal Bill 'Is Definitely In Serious Trouble', Talking Points Memo, March 14, 2017
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