Alan: The difference between Fox News and the five networks mentioned above is that Fox is fundamentally informed by ideological presuppositions reinforced by reporters who disbelieve science - or pretend to.
At the same time, Fox employs "opinion maker" Bill O'Reilly but not a single muckraker to ask difficult questions under the umbrella of intellectual rigor with cornerstone regard for the principles of The Scientific Method.
Perhaps their blonde hair would get mussed.
At the same time, Fox employs "opinion maker" Bill O'Reilly but not a single muckraker to ask difficult questions under the umbrella of intellectual rigor with cornerstone regard for the principles of The Scientific Method.
Perhaps their blonde hair would get mussed.

The Diversity Of Fox News Anchors
(Is it coincidental that the meme that opens this post features a blonde?)
At Fox, the fragmented (and fragmenting) biases of ideology always trump integral-truth-in-context.
At Fox, individual opinion rules while "statistical analysis" is contemned as inimical to the supposed "freedom" of people who -- like diners at a smorgasbord -- ingest the opinions they take to be true.

Yes, all news is "spun."
But the "epistemology" behind Fox News (and the kindred ideology that extruded Donald Trump) always aim at seizure of power through deliberate misrepresentation of "the news," a misrepresentation that often manifests as decontextualization while also relying on statistically-invalid (and emotionally biased) anecdotes.

Donald Trump lied his way to The Oval Office and his s-trump-ettes expressed greatest enthusiasm when the plutopath's mendacity was over the top.
"Lock her up! Lock her up!"
In effect, Donald's lickspittle followers were most supportive when The Plutopath entered open alliance with The Prince of Darkness, a gaggle of miscreants recalling the goosestep solidarity of the Nuremberg Rallies.
"Lock her up! Lock her up!"
In effect, Donald's lickspittle followers were most supportive when The Plutopath entered open alliance with The Prince of Darkness, a gaggle of miscreants recalling the goosestep solidarity of the Nuremberg Rallies.
"Lies, Lies, Lies": "On The Media" Explores Donald Trump's Appeal And His Historical Background
Donald Trump: "Everything I'm About To Tell You Is A Lie." Supporters Cheer
Donald Trump: "Everything I'm About To Tell You Is A Lie." Supporters Cheer
"The Death Of Epistemolgy"
Hitler Promised To "Make Germany Great Again": A Chronology of Der Führer's Lies
Hitler Reacts To Donald Trump Getting The Republican Nomination (Video Meme)
Compilation Of Pax Posts On Similarities Between Hitler And Trump
The falsehoods fostered by Fox News -- and those trumped up by Donald -- are simple, straightforward reductions of reality more suited to middle school gossip than any kind of meaningful discourse.
Trump is not building a wall all along the Mexican border nor is Mexico paying for it.
Trump is not bringing manufacturing jobs back. (In fact, Donald will be hard-pressed to make a dent in the current outsourcing of American jobs although his hothouse successes will be widely touted. If any jobs do come back they will return to increasingly roboticized manufacturing facilities. The dynamics in play are all ruled by Capitalism 101 and are completely beyond the reach of The Plutopath's outsized ego. http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2012/02/automation-robotization-and-job-loss.html
Trump is not imposing tariffs on goods made in China and Mexico.
Trump is not repealing Obamacare.
Trump is not banning all Muslims from entering the United States.
Trump is not taking oil from ISIS.
Trump does not know more than the generals.
The fact that Trump's followers fell for his whole-cloth lies is a measure of the corrupt -- and corrupting -- falsification that has contaminated the American character.
Notably 37% of Republicans currently approve of Vladimir Putin (whom Republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell characterizes as "no friend of America") while only 41% of Americans currently approve of Donald Trump.
Notably 37% of Republicans currently approve of Vladimir Putin (whom Republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell characterizes as "no friend of America") while only 41% of Americans currently approve of Donald Trump.

Donald Trump: Lying, Secrecy And The That He "Tells It Like It Is"

Who Lies Most? A Pants-On-Fire Comparison Of America's 20 Best Known Politicians

Facebook Will Start Telling Users When A Story Might Be Fake

Facebook Will Start Telling Users When A Story Might Be Fake
Despite mountains of proof to the contrary, American
conservatives believe that they
- and they alone - are the nation's soothsayers. Ultimately their disgruntlement is with cultural corruption/degeneration their own lies have brought about. (I do not exempt liberals from contributing to corruption and degeneration but the New York Times below reveals the meat of the matter: "Clinton's Fibs Versus Trump's Huge Lies." Conservatives' categorical rejection of criticism reveals a subterranean fear that they themselves are comprehensively corrupt, a corruption grounded in the normalization of falsehood.
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump. Pants on Fire! Accusations came a month before election. Donald Trump · "If Russia, or some other entity, ...Donald Trump's Worst Lies, By the Numbers | Vanity Fair
Nov 7, 2016 - All you need know is that the most egregious mistakes and lies earn four Pinocchios. “Donald Trump has amassed such a collection of ...Neuroscience explains why people keep believing Trump's lies - Quartz
Sep 21, 2016 - What really happened was that Trump replaced the original "birther" lie with a ... behind why people keep believing Trump's most egregious lies ...A fact checker looked into 158 things Donald Trump said. 78 percent ...
Jul 1, 2016 - 78 percent of fact-checked Trump statements have been rated Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire. ... Trump was the most fact-checked of all the 2016 candidates. Of the 650 fact checks ... But numbers don't lie. And these ...9 of the most egregious lies and inaccuracies in Donald Trump's - Vox
Jun 13, 2016 - Donald Trump has lied in debates, sent threatening tweets, misled interviewers, and circulated outrageous personal and political conspiracy ...The 'King of Whoppers': Donald Trump - FactCheck.org
Dec 21, 2015 - But Trump topped them all when he claimed to have seen ... and have left it to readers to judge which whoppers they consider most egregious.Fact Checkers Prove That 91% of the Things Donald Trump Says Are ...
Mar 31, 2016 - Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, is at the bottom of the Politifact ... statements he made, because the team couldn't pick the most egregious lie. ... What does it mean that the man who tells the most lies is the most ...Clinton's Fibs vs. Trump's Huge Lies - The New York Times
Aug 7, 2016 - It said 2 percent of Clinton's statements it had reviewed were egregious “pants on fire”lies, compared with 19 percent of Trump's. So Trump has ...Are Clinton and Trump the Biggest Liars Ever to Run for President ...
Jul 18, 2016 - Collectively, his falsehoods won PolitiFact's 2015 “Lie of the Year” award. .... Trump's most egregious flip-flops aren't those he made before ...We counted the number of times Donald Trump lied during the ...
Oct 20, 2016 - Here are (just some of) the most egregious lies he's told during the ... Trump lied about the United States paying Iran more than $1 billion as ...Trump Hats, Now In Tinfoil

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