
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

People Would Rather Die Than Think, But Before They Die, They Would Much Rather Kill

"Whether Good Can Be The Cause Of Evil"
Alan: Evil is not conquered, vanquished, defeated or definitively beaten back by violence.

Sever Hydra's head and seven more appear. 

Not immediately perhaps, but soon enough. 

A persuasive case can be made that "The Treaty of Versailles" (which ended World War I) caused World War II, and that the creation of modern Zionist Israel (at the end of World War II) will cause World War III.

The emptiness of Evil can only be replaced by fullness of The Good.

Dear F,

Thanks for your email.

For many people, growing awareness of the needlessness, stupidity and vapidity of evil make it increasingly hard to suffer fools.

"Learning to think" is a complicated, culturally-predicated process.

Most people "give up" on "thought" before they "get a glimpse" of what thinking really is.

Or maybe they "give up" because they get a glimpse.

In any event... 

Never having learned to think, the benighted (typically those who are too lazy or insufficiently courageous to think) project their own thoughtlessness onto others, assuming everyone is as dimwitted as they, and so the self-pithed go about their daily rounds repeating fatuous sound bites heard in Middle School. 

Most Americans (in fact, most people) dread thinking, preferring instead the kind of airheaded recklessness that not only threatens their own death but first the death of others "over there far away." (For Americans, the "others" are typically dark-skinned.)

The carnage unleashed by The Witless is so savage that we don't even know how to count the bodies

Quite likely 3 million dead in Vietnam.

A million in Iraq (and counting).

Perhaps half a million in Syria, nearly 2% of the entire population (and counting).

"The Witless" exhibit their beliefs like porn stars exhibit their genitalia - not because it's sensible but because it causes a sensation. 

Whether "dimwitted" or "large-breasted," these folks become "the center of attention..." because they have no real center, just impulses... coupled with lack of impulse control.

In the absence of A Real Life, the empty-headed and empty-hearted crave drama for drama seems the easiest way to fill The Void.

Tragically, "political pornography" is as dramatic as it gets.

Enter Donald Trump: Exhibit A.

Nor should we think that drama queens (and drama kings) can be dismissed as side-shows: their venom is as lethal as Sarah Palin's, Michelle Bachman's and the other Armageddon Cheerleaders, all of whom do their best to bring about the worst of humankind's self-fulfilling prophecies. 

To cut to the quick -- to look directly upon The Face of Evil -- get a load of Republican Representative (and crazed Trump supporter) Susan DeLemus: 

Video Of New Hampshire State Representative And Trump Supporter, Susan DeLemus, A Case Study In Madness

The poison that "the self-pithed" inject in the body politic squirts from them as irrepressibly as sexual climax or projectile vomiting.

"Nature abhors a vacuum" and, in keeping with Augustine's observation that "Evil is the absence of Good," the vacuousness of these people actually results in the ongoing resurrection of Satan Himself



On Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 4:42 PM, FV wrote:
Dear A
Just saw an AfricanAmericanTrumpian plastic lady, when questioned about who would be a fair judge,laugh at the idea that birtherism made Af.Amer. upset and would place a Black judge in the same category as a Hispanic or Muslim.
Asking for Obama's scholastic records same. She actually tried to claim that presidents have always been asked to release these records and continued to claim it despite O'Donnell telling her that was never done. I must say she went to a Trump school because she applied his tactics. Keep repeating what you claim no matter what facts your faced with.
I'm so amazed that people who can actually say words and put a sentence together can take that man not only seriously but wholeheartedly support him. Hitler, Mussolini follow blindly and deafly but not mute.


On Jun 5, 2016 1:01 PM, "Alan Archibald" <> wrote:
Dear F,

Trump is starting to look a bit paranoid.

Accustomed to adulation by lickspittle "conservatives -- but now stymied by the unclimable Wall Democrats are building -- I wonder if his penchant for paranoia might push him to do something really bizarre.

We do not want Donald going off the deep end (or otherwise making himself manifestly unfit for candidacy... whatever "unfitness" might mean to a "conservative) before the Republican convention is a done deed. 

It is still not to late for Paul Ryan to enter as a dark horse.

Clever GIF Juxtaposes Trump And Hitler

Trump Now Says Muslim Judges Might Not Be Fair To Him. 
(What About White Judges Ruling On Blacks?)



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