"Ebola Represents A Trivial Threat To Americans' Health"
"Self-Terrorization Is The National Pastime"
Morning Break: Don't Worry About Ebola, Worry About Cruises
Published: Nov 19, 2014 | Updated: Nov 19, 2014
Memorial Sloan Kettering infectious disease specialist, Kent Sepkowitz, MD,thinks Ebola, TB, the flu, and eating food off the floor pales in comparison to the risk of disease faced by passengers on cruise ships.
The second successful face transplant in the U.S. has taken place at the Cleveland Clinic, a local news station reported.
The New York Times reports how charity and industry partner for profit. And here is how MedPage Today first reported that story in May 2103.
A group of companies and aid groups will collect blood plasma samples from Ebola survivors in West Africa and begin working on a study to test whether these antibodies are actually beneficial for Ebola patients, among other research, the Associated Press reported.
Scientists claim bedbugs could carry and transmit Chagas disease, New York Daily News reported, but considering the low-powered mouse model used in the study, and a lack of recorded incidences of bedbugs transmitting Chagas to humans, the study shouldn't bug people too much.
Renal & Urology News reported that nearly one-third of all Americans have diabetes but don't know -- too bad they got it completely wrong. In fact, 12% of Americans had diabetes in 2012, according to the Annals of Internal Medicine study on which the story was based, of whom 28% didn't know.
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