Alan: The number of undocumented Hispanics living in the United States has declined
markedly since President Obama took office and started sealing the border left unusually
porous by George W. Bush. As a matter of mathematical fact, there will not be more illegal
immigrants in the United States this Thanksgiving... In the early '90s, I served as Migrant
Educator for Orange County, North Carolina, Schools. My biggest surprise was how many
good ol' boy red-neck farmers -- especially in dairy and tobacco -- candidly confessed: "My
farm could not survive without the help of illegal immigrant workers."
Educator for Orange County, North Carolina, Schools. My biggest surprise was how many
good ol' boy red-neck farmers -- especially in dairy and tobacco -- candidly confessed: "My
farm could not survive without the help of illegal immigrant workers."
"Undocumented Immigrant Population Levels Off In U.S."
More People Have Been Leaving The U.S. For Mexico Than Coming From There
Wall Street Journal
"Undocumented Immigrant Population Levels Off In U.S."
See the Cartoon that Liberals are Calling
"Racist" Forcing the IndyStar to Censor it!
Eagle Rising
Indiana political cartoonist Gary Varvel has stirred up a bit of controversy with his most recent
political cartoon attacking President Obama's Executive Amnesty. Apparently some of the
liberal readers thought it was "racist" and the IndyStar decided to appease them by removing
the cartoon from their website.
Here's what the IndyStar had to say..
On Friday, we posted a Gary Varvel cartoon atindystar.com that offended a wide group of readers.
Many of them labeled it as racist. Gary did not intend to be racially insensitive in his attempt to express his strong views about President Barack Obama's decision to temporarily prevent the deportation of millions of immigrants living and working illegally in the United States.
But we erred in publishing it.
The cartoon depicted an immigrant family climbing through a window of a white family's home as Thanksgiving dinner was served. I was uncomfortable with the depiction when I saw it after it was posted. We initially decided to leave the cartoon posted to allow readers to comment and because material can never truly be eliminated once it is circulating on the web. But we are removing the cartoon from the opinion section of our website, as well as an earlier version posted on Facebook that showed one character with a mustache.
This action is not a comment on the issue of illegal immigration or a statement about Gary's right to express his opinions strongly. We encourage and support diverse opinion. But the depictions in this case were inappropriate; his point could have been expressed in other ways.
Cartoons are seldom intended to be read literally. And Gary did not intend this one to be viewed that way. He intended to illustrate the view of many conservatives and others that the president's order will encourage more people to pour into the country illegally.
The illegal immigration issue evokes strong opinions and emotions. And it's important to encourage a vigorous public debate on issues of this magnitude, but with respectful discourse. That is what we believe at IndyStar and that is what we will continue to do – to publish views from all sides as we explore the important issues that will define the future of our nation, state and city.
— Jeff Taylor, executive editor, can be reached at jeff.taylor@indystar.com. Follow him on Twitter: @jefftayloredits.
As a Latino... i'm not exactly sure what the "racial" problem here is. The vast majority of the
illegal immigrants currently living in America are from Latin America (and a vast majority of
those are from Mexico).
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