- Warren to oppose Obama pick for Treasury undersecretary
- Cartoon: The screw you strategy
- Dear American news media ... cc: Chuck Todd
- How to get away with murder ... in Ferguson
- How the White House could circumvent the U.S. Supreme Court on Obamacare subsidies
- Gov. Scott Walker: Refusing health care to low-income Americans helps them 'live the American dream'
- Brace for GOP outrage explosion: China agreement wasn't Obama's only climate change commitment
- New DSCC chair Jon Tester doesn't like or think like his party, and that could be a problem
- Boehner's pretend lawsuit against Obama Just. Got. Bigger. Now if he'd just remember to file it ...
- Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship INDICTED
- What's worse? Calling American voters stupid, or giving millions access to health care?
- How is it that 6 years of opposing everything isn't 'poisoning the well?'
- 'You Americans have no idea ...'—Another open letter, this time from Canada, and this one hurts
- Teacher’s resignation letter: 'My profession ... no longer exists'
- Judge forces woman to have c-section and she dies: Five shocking injustices against pregnant women
- What on Earth were they thinking? Rachel Maddow on the Democratic Party
- German town pranks annual neo-Nazi march with clever counter protest
- IMAGES: Tiny home village for homeless opens in Wisconsin
- Signature needed: This is what George W. Bush did when he thought no one was watching
- Cartoon: New Leader
- Cartoon: Life in the billionaire bubble
- GOP senator who wants the Postal Service to go bankrupt about to have oversight over it
- Republican Gov. Mike Pence says not giving food to the unemployed will 'ennoble' them
- The center cannot hold: St. Louis County on the eve of the Darren Wilson verdict
- Mississippi tea partiers seek to recognize Christianity as the state's 'principal' religion
- House Republicans finally find a lawyer for their bogus lawsuit against Obama, a Fox News guest
- Missouri governor has his Miss South Carolina moment, refuses to say he's in charge of #Ferguson
- McConnell, Boehner struggle to find a way around another government shutdown
- There's been HOW many pipeline spills in Alberta in the last four months??
- Teacher’s resignation letter: ‘My profession … no longer exists’
- Ferguson officer arrested for raping a woman in the jail. Read the legal filing here.
- Anonymous seized the Klan's main Twitter account Sunday morning
- Kentucky Fire Chief refuses accident victims: We ain't taking on no n*****s here
- A lie in the Darren Wilson defense in the shooting death of Michael Brown that just won't go away
- CBS, Fox, NBC, not airing President Obama's immigration speech live
- Signature needed: This is what George W. Bush did when he thought no one was watching
- Nobody should shed a single solitary salty tear for Mary Landrieu
- Republican senator: 'You could see violence' if Obama takes executive action on immigration
- The official Michael Brown autopsy report doesn't say what the St. Louis Post Dispatch says it does
- Startling revelations on Three Mile Island nuclear power
- Teacher's resignation letter: 'My profession… no longer exists'
- Elizabeth Warren smacks down Mel Watt, demands principal reduction for 5.1 million homeowners
- How to shoot and kill an immigrant Georgia Tech student and only pay a $500 fine
- CNN talking head tells rape accuser there were ways she could have stopped it
- There have been HOW many pipeline spills in Alberta the last four months?
- Indiana Republican Governor says not giving food to the unemployed will 'ennoble' them
- German town pranks annual neo-Nazi march with clever counter protest
- Anonymous seized the Klan's Twitter account Sunday morning
- Ferguson officer arrested for raping a woman in jail. Read the legal filing here.
- Tiny village for homeless opens in Wisconsin
- Jim Webb is running-ish for president because bipartisanship and Democratic handouts are bad
- What on Earth were they thinking? Rachel Maddow on the Democratic Party
- NBC Wall Street Journal poll reveals American priorities. Guess how they match with Republican priorities!
- Republicans' motives for their frivolous lawsuit become clear
- Senate Democrats meeting with White House erupts in torture report fight
- WOW exploding heads
- Signature needed: Game-changing EPA rules in jeopardy by attacks from polluter lobby
- Cartoon: Sustainable Keystone XL
- Accuracy in Media editor: Obama may be Russian spy. Radio host wants Marines to storm White House.
- Nevada Republican tapped for Speaker’s chair, issues blanket apology for everything he ever said
- Jay Leno takes a stand against gun violence & cancels his Las Vegas performance at a gun show
- Fox News’ Megyn Kelly admits that the right uses ‘amnesty’ to ‘sort of get people upset’
- Daily Kos just made an endorsement for mayor of Chicago, and it's not Rahm Emanuel
- Just another NYPD Day: Shoot First. Kill immediately. Get treated for ear ringing soon after.
- John Boehner vows that Congress will stop Obama. As soon as they get back from vacation.
- Pope Francis to raffle off gifts, give proceeds to those in need
- House Republicans introduce bill to defund immigration reform, even though there’s nothing to defund
- GOP columnist: The VERY bad news FOR THE GOP in the GOP's midterm victory
- President Obama's speech on immigration (including a nice f**k you to the GOP): Video and text
- VIDEO: Police lied: Mike Brown was killed 148 feet away from Darren Wilson's SUV

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