From:MLL SmithSubject: The Pope at the WallDate: May 25, 2014To:Undisclosed
A view from the ground with former NC activist Mazin Qumsiyeh- now living in Beit Sahour. I am pleased to see that al Rowwad- a CPWJ direct support partner organization at Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem was a part of the Pope's visit. MLL
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mazin Qumsiyeh
Date: Sun, May 25, 2014 at 2:29 PM
Subject: [HumanRights] The Pope at the Wall
To: Undisclosed
Cc: Human Rights Newsletter <humanrights@lists.qumsiyeh.org >
The Pope at the Wall
By Mazin Qumsiyeh, Bethlehem
The children of Al-Rowwad from Aida Refugee Camp delivered a message to the
Pope when he stopped to pray at the apartheid and annexation wall. They
emphasized prisoners plight and the right to return home. This impromptu
stop was in my opinion the most memorable part of the Pontiff's visit to
Bethlehem. The Pope recognized "The State of Palestine" (Google just did it
too!) and also met with refugee children at Dheisheh and shared food with
some family members who each had a story to tell him about horrific
suffering under Israel's colonial occupation. Christians and Muslims here
were all genuinely touched by the visit of this more humble Pope and his
gestures of understanding and solidarity. But most said they wished he
would use his influence more to pressure the Zionist regime. The Western
Zionist dominated media tried to hide things including the Pope's gestures
of solidarity with us but social media was prominent and the story could
not be ignored.

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