
Friday, September 13, 2013

Right-Wing Email: "Please Pass It On All Over The USA And Canada!!!"

Dear J,

As many as 1,000,000 Iraqis are dead because your tax dollars (and mine) invaded a country having NO affiliation with al Qaeda and not a single WMD. 

Apparently the United States only invades countries that do not have weapons of mass destruction, giving carte blanche to those that do. 

If I were Islamic, I would be f______ furious with Uncle Sam too.

As upsetting as "Twin Tower tee-shirts" are, a vanishingly small number of Islamics actually wear them. 

Until now, have you seen even one of these shirts in the 12 years since 9/11? 

If their use were widespread, they would have replaced the Fox News logo long ago.

The difference between Islamic jihadists and hateful American "Christians" is that jihadists constitute a minuscule percentage of the overall Islamic population whereas hateful "Christians" abound.

Why! Here's a gaggle of good Christians now! (I  wonder what their tee-shirts say...)

Hateful people anesthetize the horrible feeling of hate by inflating their "divinely ordained" righteousness, disdaining anyone presumed to be worse than they are. 

Good luck with that!

Pax on both houses,


PS I am eager to bet long odds that there is no video footage of inflammatory Twin Tower tee-shirts being worn in any mosque. "Conservatives" are possessed - diabolically - by garment-rending alarmism and outlandish claims. Consider:

I spend a lot of time with immigrants and almost always they are harder working than most American I know - certainly harder working than The 1% who have bamboozled American "conservatives" into cheering the very people who, right now, are fucking them in the ass. An enduring question...  Why do liberals freely circulate right-wing hate mail (as I am circulating this one) whereas conservatives never circulate any left-wing revelation of truth. I think right-wingers know their back teeth are turning brown and that their lies can only survive by ceaseless, unchallenged chanting of falsehood. In effect, freaked-out right-wingers are un-evolved simians, persistently chest-thumping to demonstrate their only competence.

It is a biological fact...
"Conservatives Scare More Easily Than Liberals"


On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 9:34 AM, JT

Begin forwarded message:
This is quite disturbing.
High Fashion in the Mosques
That's OK, just don't burn or deface the Koran or draw
a picture of Mohamed!!
Every day shirts like this are mass produced, marketed and sold by street vendors throughout the Middle East and it's simply OK.
The mass-murder of 9-11 is a celebrated event by millions
of Muslim people.
Funny how racism and offending other races only applies to non Muslims!
P l e a s e, pass it on all over the USA & Canada 


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