
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pope Francis Calls Money "The Dung Of The Devil." "Money Corrupts Us! There's No Way Out.”

From Rome Reports:
(Source: Vatican Radio)
Money sickens our minds, poisons our thoughts, even poisons our faith, leading us down the path of jealousy, quarrels, suspicion and conflict. It drives to idle words and pointless discussions. It also corrupts the mind of some people that see religion as a source of profit. 'I am Catholic, I go to Mass, everyone thinks well of me... But underneath I have my businesses. I worship money'. And here we have the word we usually find in newspapers: 'Men of corrupted minds'. Money corrupts us! There's no way out.”
“We can never serve God and money at the same time. It is not possible: either one or the other. This is not Communism. It is the true Gospel! They are the Lord's words. While money begins by offering a sense of well being. Then you feel important and vanity comes. We read in the Psalm. This vanity is useless, but still you think you are important. And after vanity comes pride. Those are the three steps: wealth, vanity and pride.”
“But, Father, I read the Ten Commandments and they say nothing about the evils of money. Against which Commandment do you sin when you do something for money? Against the first one! You worship a false idol. And this is the reason: because money becomes an idol and you worship it. And that's why Jesus tells us that you cannot serve money and the living God: either one or the other. The early Fathers of the Church, in the 3rd Century, around the year 200 or 300, put it in a very blunt way, calling money 'the dung of the devil'. An so it is. Because it turns us into idolators, fills our thoughts with pride and leads us away from our faith.”

1 comment:

  1. "The best is enemy of the good. The profoundest truths are paradoxical."

    That's sick! Very sick. What's so paradoxical about the evil effects of greed? One could write an entire encyclopedia about how money has led to wars, murders, betrayals, abandonment of responsibilities, pride, foolishness, etc.

    Totally disgusting are some of the looks of personal shame that "Catholics" in the audience are giving, looking down and as guilty as a cat that swallowed the canary. You would think they never read the teachings of Christ and the Bible for themselves or even knew the tragic history of personal greed.
