
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Disgruntled, Lifelong Republican Burns Party Registration To Protest Trump's Mistreatment

Jen Hayden
Larry Lindsey is giving Reince Priebus and the Republican Party a preview of what will happen if Ted Cruz manages to win the nomination over leading Republican candidate Donald Trump. Lindsey claims he was squeezed out as a state delegate by the Cruz camp and the Colorado GOP. Officials with the Colorado GOP claim Larry Lindsey did not understand the process and was never elected a state delegate. Nevertheless, on the same day Cruz won delegates, whoever runs the Colorado GOP Twitter account sent out a message saying "We did it. #NeverTrump." Shortly thereafter, the same account claiming the tweet was "unauthorized."
Larry Lindsey thinks he was intentionally misled. He says it was really important for him to have an impact on this election because he has stage four colon cancer. In a video he hopes will get a lot of attention, he gives the national Republican Party a likely preview of what will happen if the party elites deny Trump the nomination. 
Watch him torch his Republican Party registration:
LARRY LINDSEY: Republican party, take note. I think you are going to see a lot more of these. I’ve been a Republican all my life. But, I will never be a Republican again. What do you think is going to happen when millions more like me do the exact same thing? Goodbye, GOP. I will not be forced to vote for somebody that I don’t want to. 
The video is indeed getting attention. Donald Trump even called Larry to thank him.
I just got a call from Donald Trump, himself! What an amazing and gracious man, to take time out of his busy day, to call and thank me! Thank you, Mr. Trump! God bless you!
Will Reince Priebus be seeing more registration burning videos in the coming months? 

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