Dear F,
I've donated twice to Bernie.
Originally I donated to keep Bernie in the race so that Hillary would be pushed to the left - perhaps far enough that she wouldn't be able to "do a Clinton."
Here's Hillary's floor speech in favor of Dubyah's bogus invasion of Iraq.
During the run-up to "shock and awe," I -- and every close friend -- knew that pending invasion was a catastrophe in-the-making... morally, politically and economically.
For anyone with eyes to see, the stupidity of Smirk and Snarl's Whimsy War was self-evident.
"Bush's Toxic Legacy In Iraq"
Now that Bernie is demonstrating ability to win, I will make another contribution, this time hoping he gets the nomination.
Not only can grumpy grampa win, he's now more likely to win than Hillary.
I've donated twice to Bernie.
Originally I donated to keep Bernie in the race so that Hillary would be pushed to the left - perhaps far enough that she wouldn't be able to "do a Clinton."
Here's Hillary's floor speech in favor of Dubyah's bogus invasion of Iraq.
During the run-up to "shock and awe," I -- and every close friend -- knew that pending invasion was a catastrophe in-the-making... morally, politically and economically.
For anyone with eyes to see, the stupidity of Smirk and Snarl's Whimsy War was self-evident.
"Bush's Toxic Legacy In Iraq"
Now that Bernie is demonstrating ability to win, I will make another contribution, this time hoping he gets the nomination.
Not only can grumpy grampa win, he's now more likely to win than Hillary.
Quinnipiac National Poll Finds Bernie Significantly More Likely To Beat Republican Candidates
And if Bernie loses, America will get deserving comeuppance.
We might even prove that the moral arc of the universe bends toward justice.
Justice for Vietnam.
For Iraq.
For Central America in the '80s.
For Uncle Sam's concubinage with Israel's oppressive Zionists.
For the nation's brutal -- and brutalizing -- treatment of American blacks.
For ruthless economic exploitation - at home and abroad.
For refusal to define healthcare a right.
For denying anthropogenic climate change.
For saddling college graduates with decades of debt.
For stacking the deck in favor of ruinous plutocrats, already wallowing in superfluous wealth like pigs in shit.
For enjoying unprecedented abundance, and then, rather than responding with gratitude and generosity, promoting rancor and preaching spite.
For the unabashed, evangelical hatred that infects half the body politic.
I much prefer Portia to Shylock but there is something to be said for justice without mercy.
Happily, it now seems that Bernie's revolution is workable and that America will be spared the harsh justice many gringos are quick to call down on everyone but "the exceptional."
PS What if this Quinnipiac poll is not an outlier and Bernie is in fact likely to win match-ups that Hillary would lose?
And if Bernie loses, America will get deserving comeuppance.
We might even prove that the moral arc of the universe bends toward justice.
Justice for Vietnam.
For Iraq.
For Central America in the '80s.
For Uncle Sam's concubinage with Israel's oppressive Zionists.
For the nation's brutal -- and brutalizing -- treatment of American blacks.
For ruthless economic exploitation - at home and abroad.
For refusal to define healthcare a right.
For denying anthropogenic climate change.
For saddling college graduates with decades of debt.
For stacking the deck in favor of ruinous plutocrats, already wallowing in superfluous wealth like pigs in shit.
For enjoying unprecedented abundance, and then, rather than responding with gratitude and generosity, promoting rancor and preaching spite.
For the unabashed, evangelical hatred that infects half the body politic.
I much prefer Portia to Shylock but there is something to be said for justice without mercy.
Happily, it now seems that Bernie's revolution is workable and that America will be spared the harsh justice many gringos are quick to call down on everyone but "the exceptional."

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