Common Signs Of ADD And ADHD In Women
Alan: Although I have no formal training in psychology, private study and personal experience have imparted a measure of insight into the presentation of ADHD in adults.
It is important to remember that people with ADHD may not exhibit all traits typically associated with the disease.
In part, this "failure" of any given sufferer to exhibit all ADHD traits arises from the fact that ADHD can be so debilitating - and, in particular, so destructive of intimate relationships - that many sufferers develop strategies to forfend some of ADHD's crippling effects.
It is the only way to "stay afloat."
It is the only way to "stay afloat."
In some cases, coping strategies are so effective that adults with ADHD become unusually strong in areas where uncompensated symptoms would typically leave them notably weak.
For example, obsessiveness can be harnessed to impose a kind of orderliness on chaos -- at least in some domains of an ADHD sufferer's life.
The following ADHD "success stories" show how such compensation works. http://www.additudemag.com/resource-center/adhd-women-role-models.html
Despite the paradoxical effects of compensation, distractedness, disorderliness and compulsive "flitting about" -- with interludes of total shutdown that outsiders often interpret as self-absorption -- are almost always foundational characteristics of ADHD.
Depending on any given inventory of ADHD symptoms, it seems to me that a tenth to a third of "ADHD characteristics" do not appear pertinent in any particular "case" - at least not "on the surface."
Because we are all habituated to the detrimental psychological patterns that afflict us, it is unusually easy for "non-presenting symptoms" to persuade an ADHD sufferer that s/he does not have the disease.
In turn, dismissal-of-diagnosis enables sufferers to devote their considerable energies to the prolongation of distractedness, disorderliness and compulsive "flitting about" with interludes of total shutdown that outsiders often interpret as self-absorption.

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