
Monday, January 25, 2016

The True Scandal Of Deflategate

Dear C,

Like most discussions of capitalism, the purpose of Deflategate -- conscious or unconscious -- is to shift attention from the normalized malfeasance of Uncle Sam's economic system.

To wit: "As a member of the N.F.L.’s compensation committee, he (Patriots owner, Kraft) was instrumental in pushing (NFL Commissioner Roger) Goodell’s compensation from $2.5 million in 2007 to $44 million in 2012." 

By my lights, such skimming is frankly malfeasant even if The System legitimizes it.

Teddy Roosevelt: "Malefactors Of Great Wealth... Are Curses To The Country"

No CEO "earns" $10,000.00 per hour - routine compensation when "earnings" are analyzed over any magnate's "total package."

Substantively, these economic thugs (and their lickspittle goons) steal $10,000.00 an hour.

If this theft were "distributed" over a CEO's workday we find that the fat cats commit 10-20 "separate" felonies each hour of every "working" day.

Bernie Sanders' strength is his tenacious commitment to "following the money." 

Indeed, we would all be better off with less discussion of "hot air" (or "cold air") and more focus on the perennial wiles of Big Money

This is not to say the study of "football inflation" is not fascinating - if only because it spotlights the ability of scientific research to make firm determinations in domains that initially seem constrained to speculation.

"The Danger Of Science Denial"
TED Talk by Michael Specter

However, "football inflation" contributes to the bread-and-circuses that customarily "win the day" by fixing the "ground of debate."

Stay focused on the trees and the forest remains invisible.

The true scandal of "Deflategate" is "Deflategate" itself.

Inline image 1

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Cartoon Compendium

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts: Plutocracy, Economic Inequality & Collapse Of Conservatism

"Politics And Economics: The 101 Courses You Wish You Had"

Pope Francis: Quotations On Finance, Economics, Capitalism And Inequality

Teddy Roosevelt: "Malefactors Of Great Wealth... Are Curses To The Country"

Why Are Americans So Poorly Paid. This One Chart Will Even Shame The 1%

Inequality: Joseph Stiglitz Brilliant Reflection On Obama's State Of The Union Address

"Of The 1%, By The 1%, For The 1%,"
Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz

It's Not About Income. "It's About Net Worth, Stupid!"

American Plutocracy: Who's Punished And Who's Not

Pax tecum


"The Pitchforks Are Coming... For Us Billionaires," Amazon Financier, Nick Hanauer

On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 8:23 AM, CH wrote:


True Scandal of Deflategate Lies in the N.F.L.’s Behavior

A scientific consensus that deflation of footballs in the 2015 A.F.C. title game could be explained by physics has not done anything to mitigate the Patriots’ punishment.

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