"Too much cannot be said against the men of wealth who sacrifice everything to getting wealth. There is not in the world a more ignoble character than the mere money-getting American, insensible to every duty, regardless of every principle, bent only on amassing a fortune, and putting his fortune only to the basest uses —whether these uses be to speculate in stocks and wreck railroads himself, or to allow his son to lead a life of foolish and expensive idleness and gross debauchery, or to purchase some scoundrel of high social position, foreign or native, for his daughter. Such a man is only the more dangerous if he occasionally does some deed like founding a college or endowing a church, which makes those good people who are also foolish forget his real iniquity. These men are equally careless of the working men, whom they oppress, and of the State, whose existence they imperil. There are not very many of them, but there is a very great number of men who approach more or less closely to the type, and, just in so far as they do so approach, they are curses to the country."
Republican President Teddy Roosevelt
Spearhead Of Progressive Politics
(Forum, February 1895.) Mem.Ed. XV, 10; Nat. Ed. XIII, 9

Teddy Roosevelt
(Forum, February 1895.) Mem.Ed. XV, 10; Nat. Ed. XIII, 9

Teddy Roosevelt

"Public Welfare Subjects Property To General Right Of The Community" Teddy Roosevelt
Excerpt: "Nothing is more true than that excess of every kind is followed by reaction; a fact which should be pondered by reformer and reactionary alike. We are face to face with new conceptions of the relations of property to human welfare, chiefly because certain advocates of the rights of property as against the rights of men have been pushing their claims too far. The man who wrongly holds that every human right is secondary to his profit must now give way to the advocate of human welfare, who rightly maintains that every man holds his property subject to the general right of the community to regulate its use to whatever degree the public welfare may require it. But I think we may go still further. The right to regulate the use of wealth in the public interest is universally admitted. Let us admit also the right to regulate the terms and conditions of labor, which is the chief element of wealth, directly in the interest of the common good."
"Public Welfare Subjects Property To General Right Of The Community" Teddy Roosevelt

"The Roosevelts: An Intimate History," Ken Burns Documentary
"The Roosevelts: An Intimate History," Ken Burns Documentary

"Teddy And Franklin Roosevelt: The Last Presidents To Take On The Magnates"
"Teddy Roosevelt: The Making Of A Progressive Reformer"
"Teddy Roosevelt: The Making Of A Progressive Reformer"
"Politics and Economics: The 101 Courses You Wish You Had"
"Politics and Economics: The 101 Courses You Wish You Had"
Chesterton: "To Get All That Money, You Must Be Dull Enough To Want It"

Chesterton: "To Get All That Money, You Must Be Dull Enough To Want It"
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