A much better reproduction of Pieter Lastman's "Jonah and The Whale" is available at:
At four pages, "Jonah" is the shortest book of the Bible.
Alan: The essentially tribal affiliations of jihadists and Christian conservatives render them mirror images of one another.
The nearly irresistible seduction of tribalism is that it feels bloody good - with the emphasis on "bloody."
Consider the Nuremberg Rallies.
Consider Brian Mulroney's observation: "In politics you need two things, Madame. You need friends, but mostly you need an enemy."
Consider Brian Mulroney's observation: "In politics you need two things, Madame. You need friends, but mostly you need an enemy."
It has been observed that Old Testament Judaism is grounded in the hermetically-sealed perception of The Chosen People and that Jonah was the only prophet -- an exceptionally reluctant one -- who was sent to preach among "infidels."
"The Story Of Jonah And The Whale" (Brilliantly Retold By Anne Herbert)
It can be argued that the cornerstone of Christianity -- at least contextually -- is to reach beyond tribe to the indivisible wholeness of The Human Family.
Notably, the initial success of Mormonism was attributable to its bedrock focus on family (in itself a good, admirable and perhaps indispensable proposition) despite the fact that founding "prophet" Joseph Smith was a sexual pervert and (at least) statutory rapist.
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