Alan: The graph above, in conjunction with the first link below, tell the tale of Uncle Sam's income tax -- its origin and development -- and how "folks at the bottom" have been bamboozled into paying an ever larger percentage of the total burden despite original assurances that this would never happen.
Those Americans who fret that Iran may "get a better deal than the United States" in the current nuclear negotiations should re-focus their attention - almost entirely - on the sorry-ass history of the income tax.
Follow the money!
It's right under your nose.
It's not in Tehran.
Not in Moscow.
Not in Damascus.
Not in Riyadh.
Not in Havana.
It's in Fat Cat's pocket and his share is growing.
It's in Fat Cat's pocket and his share is growing.
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Shakespeare's King Henry said it beautifully when he advised his son to "busy giddy minds with foreign wars."

1910 Income Tax Promised To Never Shift Burden From Richest 1 - 4%
It's Not About Income. "It's About Net Worth, Stupid!"
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It's Not About Income. "It's About Net Worth, Stupid!"
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Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz
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Meanwhile, these two tables offer a snapshot of who is paying what for the 2014 tax year.
The first gives shares of income and federal income taxes for 2014 for some 325 million Americans, dividing the population into five income quintiles of about 65 million people each.
The second table provides further information about the top 20%, who pay more than 80% of income taxes.
The data come from estimates by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, a Washington-based research group, as Internal Revenue Service data for 2014 won’t be available for at least two years
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