Unarmed People Of Color Killed By Police Since 1999
Individual Case Studies and Biographical Sketches
American Cops Fired More Bullets At One NYC Man Than All German Cops Fire In A Year
One Small Town's Cops Have Killed More People Than Combined Police Of Germany And U.K.
One Small Town's Cops Have Killed More People Than Combined Police Of Germany And U.K.
Diane Rehm Guest Gets To The Nub Of Police Violence And How Easily It's Prevented
Diane Rehm Guest Gets To The Nub Of Police Violence And How Easily It's Prevented
Cleveland Police Shoot And Kill 12 Year Old With Toy Gun
Cleveland Police Shoot And Kill 12 Year Old With Toy Gun
Killer Cops: Slow Motion Serial Killing By White People
Within 2 Seconds Of Arrival Cleveland Police Shot And Killed Black 12-year-old Tamir Rice,
Playing By Himself In A Park, Carrying A Toy Gun
Open Season On Unarmed American Black Men, A Compendium Of Pax Posts
Open Season On Unarmed American Black Men, A Compendium Of Pax Posts
Australian Comedian Jim Jeffries Nails 2nd Amendment Evangelists
"We Like War"
George Carlin Video
(This is a great companion piece to Jeffries shtick above.)
Australian Comedian Jim Jeffries Nails 2nd Amendment Evangelists
"We Like War"
George Carlin Video
"We Like War"
George Carlin Video
Lists Of Americans Killed By Cops In 2013, 2014, 2015
Compendium Of Pax Posts: What's Wrong With Race Relations - Hatred, Cops And The Law
Lists Of Americans Killed By Cops In 2013, 2014, 2015
Compendium Of Pax Posts: What's Wrong With Race Relations - Hatred, Cops And The Law
Walter Scott’s Killing Is the Sum of Every Black Nightmare About White Cops
Here's The News Report We'd Be Reading If Walter Scott's Murder Wasn't On Video
Here's The News Report We'd Be Reading If Walter Scott's Murder Wasn't On Video
Blacks Arrested For Contraband Twice As Often Though Much Less Likely To Have Contraband
Killing Good Black People Over Dysfunctional Tail Lights
Killing Good Black People Over Dysfunctional Tail Lights
Not All Cops Lie To Cover Up Their Crimes. But Many Do
"Given FL's "Stand Your Ground Law," Can This Black Woman Kill The White Cop Who Assaulted Her?"
Not All Cops Lie To Cover Up Their Crimes. But Many Do
"Given FL's "Stand Your Ground Law," Can This Black Woman Kill The White Cop Who Assaulted Her?"
- Just 6 Walmart heirs have as much wealth as 30% of Americans
- Florida Republican submits anti-corporate tax bill without removing ALEC mission statement
- I met some Tea Partiers today, and they seemed truly unbalanced
- De-mythologizing the Wild West: Gun laws were actually stricter then than now
- A Republican explains what’s wrong with the Republican Party in just 14 words
- Obama’s “Jedi” reference further divides an already polarized nation
- A guide to the conservative movement in one handy chart
- Suburban poverty: Off the chart
- A cop’s take on the Trayvon Martin verdict
- The renewed war on the veteran teacher
- No thanks to Walmart
- Chevron gets classy: Sorry about the fracking explosion, here’s a coupon for free pizza
- Paul Ryan: Poor kids should go hungry so they know they’re loved
- Cartoon: Get well gifts for the unvaccinated
- Kid counts down from 21. Everyone loses it.
- Possibly the best resignation letter ever. That’s not an exaggeration.
- BREAKING: Obama is NOT the Antichrist
- Cartoon: Guns everywhere
- Dear food service employers
- Cartoon: Language is a virus
- You won't see Hillary Clinton in the same light ever again
- Shot and gasping for air, Tulsa police officer tells dying man, 'F*ck your breath'
- Famous GOP A-hole charged with criminal domestic violence
- Ayn Rand on Johnny Carson: make this go viral
- 10 reasons why you should vote Republican
- White students at Grapevine High School record white supremacist rap promoting lynching
- Cartoon: God speaks
- Coffee shop puts a ban on anti-gay lawmakers
- Report confirms that police killed Natasha McKenna with her hands cuffed and legs shackled
- Medical marijuana activist in Kansas arrested, son taken away after he spoke up to D.A.R.E. officer
- Another red state caught lying to the Supreme Court about health insurance exchanges
- Riots, looting and fires break out in Kentucky. Don't worry—It's mostly white kids.
- Jon Stewart rips Dick Cheney a new one
- To the anti-choice coward who keyed my car and left a note: Here's a note for you
- White woman steals flag, resists arrest—Watch what happens
- Miami Shores Bakery will make anti-gay cakes, but not for the reason you might think
- Scott Walker's cheap shirt maybe wasn't so cheap for Wisconsin taxpayers
- Man gets tired seeing trash on riverbank during his morning commute—does something about it
- Supreme Court, in flushing North Carolina GOP maps, may upend some of the most extreme gerrymanders
- Officer Bill Melendez charged with three felonies in brutal beating, planting evidence on Floyd Dent
- Missouri town elects first black mayor; 80% of the police, city attorney, water supervisor resign
- Business owner sets minimum wage for employees. Limbaugh calls that socialism. I call him ignorant.
- Cartoon: Overdue police reforms
- Cartoon: Candidate Kit
- Japan just broke its own high speed rail record—US isn't even in the conversation
- New California ballot initiative would award cash to citizens for policing transgender bathroom use
- Family of Freddie Gray, fatally injured while in Baltimore police custody, demands answers
- Hillary Clinton hands a forced-birther's behind back to him on a platter
- Possibly the best resignation letter ever. That’s not an exaggeration.
- Ayn Rand on Johnny Carson: make this go viral
- Fox News & Sarah Palin Denounced In Stunning Earth Day Video (36M Views)
- Sheriff Arpaio's attorney quits during contempt hearing, former staff turn on the sheriff
- Ted Cruz and the funny, magical hymen
- Pregnant fast food worker robbed at gunpoint, told to repay stolen cash or be fired
- Anger Towards the Rich
- Watch a 102-year-old woman as she sees rare footage of herself dancing in 1930s for the first time
- Cook in US Senate works 70 hrs/wk, needs foodstamps
- The Senate Finance Committee just approved fast track authority 20-6. Which Dems voted for it?
- Kochs' acquisition of the Republican Party nearly complete
- A heartwarming story with a terrible lesson for Anti-Vaxers
- On TPP, Warren Shows Backbone, Fires Back At Obama; Watch Bernie Sanders, Too
- $70,000 minimum pay turns out to be good for business
- Explosive 2009 report from Tulsa reveals deep corruption concerning Deputy Bob Bates
- DNA tests prove girl taken by Mexican police did not belong to the woman she was sent to in the U.S.
- In Oklahoma, hard data that finally lays out the danger from the state's man-made quake boom
- Jon Stewart rips Dick Cheney a new one
- To the anti-choice coward who keyed my car and left a note: Here's a note for you
- John McCain openly mocks presidential candidate Ted Cruz
- Jimmy Carter: 'Losing My Religion For Equality'
- Mickey D's is going to close a ton of restaurants
- Arrested for 'sagging pants,' Ervin Edwards tasered to death in custody; Police lie in report
- Reporter admits to factual errors in new book attacking the Clintons
- Sick irony clearly lost on Baltimore Police Union when they made this comment
- Cartoon: Clinton, Inc
- Popeye's makes job offer to pregnant worker who was robbed and then fired
- Bobby Jindal Vows To Remain A Bigoted, Hateful Jackass, Louisiana Be Damned
- Ted Cruz courts gay donors. Yes, you read that right.
- Teacher files federal lawsuit after being terrified by school shooting drill
- Tennessee Republican: Rape is often ‘not verifiable,’ so no exemption for it in new anti-abortion bill
- The man who could have been the greatest Daily Kos blogger of all time. This was his story.
- Explosive 2009 report from Tulsa reveals deep corruption concerning Deputy Bob Bates
- Scientists believe they will have a cure for asthma and it could be available in five years
- Michael Brown’s family sues Darren Wilson, the police chief, and the city of Ferguson
- Top 10 reasons you should vote Republican
- Are you sick of highly paid teachers?
- The slaves that time forgot
- Watch a 102-year old woman as she sees rare footage of herself dancing in the 1930s for the first time
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